judgement tarot card meaning

Here’s a true story….


Veronica Noir is an anarchist, International woman of mystery, banana bread lover, frantic scrawler of smut and just happens to be my evil twin/alter ego. She is also away on vacation at the moment, so I’m re-posting a reading she did a year ago….but in it she tells a great story (which is half true!) and I think you’ll find it timely and delightful!


Have you been judging yourself lately?

Do you think you should be thinner, more motivated, more successful and more interesting than you actually are?

Maybe that’s not true. Maybe you should be exactly as you are.

Let me tell you a story.

I once had a job interview for a job I felt I was underqualified for (International Spy).

I had no experience whatsoever and to top if off I was late for the interview – my black Lamborghini broke down on the way there – and by the time I arrived I was panting and sweaty.

Turns out, the interviewer was kind of a perv and my heaving bosom and flushed skin turned him on. And the fact I had no qualifications only inflated his ego and made him feel superior to me. I got the job!

So let me say it again: you are perfect just the way you are. This weekend, release any self-judgements and just enjoy life!

Here’s a true story…. Read More »

Are you Judging Yourself?

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir is an anarchist, International woman of mystery, banana bread lover, frantic scrawler of smut and just happens to be my evil twin/alter ego. Here is her take on the Judgement card…

Housewive’s Tarot

Have you been judging yourself lately?

Do you think you should be thinner, more motivated, more successful and more interesting than you actually are?

Maybe that’s not true. Maybe you should be exactly as you are.

Let me tell you a story.

I once had a job interview for a job I felt I was underqualified for (International Spy).

I had no experience whatsoever and to top if off I was late for the interview – my black Lamborghini broke down on the way there – and by the time I arrived I was panting and sweaty.

Turns out, the interviewer was kind of a perv and my heaving bosom and flushed skin turned him on. And the fact I had no qualifications only inflated his ego and made him feel superior to me. I got the job!

So let me say it again: you are perfect just the way you are. This weekend, release any self-judgements and just enjoy life!

Are you Judging Yourself? Read More »

Judgement ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

Crystal Visions Tarot

Today’s card is Judgement and it is all about reinventing your life by listening to your “inner calling”.

You are gifted with the ability to discover your destiny, your true purpose, simply by following your bliss and moving in the direction that you feel pulled. So where do you feel drawn today?

Remember that it is never too late to start doing what you have always wanted to do. As soon as you start following your passion, magical things begin happening – doors begin opening, you meet people and life has a new spark to it.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to wait until you feel totally passionate about something to take action. Simply do what seems most interesting and appealing to you right now and this will lead you to all the big, important, awesome stuff!

Judgement ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday Read More »