oracle cards

Morning Affirmations ~ Oracle Card for Friday!!!

doreen virtue oracle card
Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

A wonderful way to manifest what you want in your life is to do morning affirmations. It is amazing how quickly you will see results when you spend five minutes each morning affirming what you wish to be true.

This oracle card says “Say positive affirmations each morning to open the gates of manifestation”. Affirmations, when done correctly, will lift your energetic vibrations. If this is done in the morning, it can effect your vibration for the whole day. This is how you start your day off right, as it will attract positive experiences, opportunities and synchronicities.

Here are my guidelines for doing effective morning affirmations:

  • start by choosing 1-3 affirmations. Work with these for at least two weeks.
  • write your affirmations down on a recipe card
  • your affirmations should be in the present tense, as if they were already true or already happening. (For example, write “I am making a good income doing what I love” rather than “I will be able to make a good income doing what I love”)
  • believe your affirmations to be 100% true as you are saying them (get into the feeling state of what it would feel like for your affirmation to be true)
  • read your morning affirmations at least three times every morning. Each time you say the affirmation, visualize it implanting itself deep into your subconscious mind.

Good luck and have fun!

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Daily Oracle Card for Thursday ~ Trust

self care cards by cheryl richardson
Self Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson

Today’s daily oracle card is “Trust” and it is urging you to let go of worry, anxiety and fear and trust that everything will work out for the best.

I feel like this card applies to both small life issues and bigger ones. Where in your life could you use more trust? Having trust in life allows you to be confident and calm, even when the situation may be stressful.

The back of this card says “Trust your decisions. March to the beat of your own heart”. Ask yourself what those words mean to you? What would marching to the beat of your own heart look like for you? How would you live your life differently?

When we have difficult decisions to make, it is not uncommon for others to offer their advice. Today’s daily oracle card reminds you that it is important for you to listen to your intuition and trust fully in the decisions you make, regardless of what others may say. It is equally important for you to allow others to march to the beat of their own heart and not to take offense if your friends, family and colleagues do not always take your advice!

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Goddess Guidance Oracle Card for Tuesday ~ Freyja (Bold)

doreen virtue goddess guidance
Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

The card for today is Freyja and she comes from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. Her message is to “unleash your adventurous side! Take risks and be daring.”

If you normally like to play it safe and stick to the tired and true, challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone and take a risk today. Do something that you have been too scared to do in the past, but always wanted to!

Today is the perfect day to tune into the energy of Freyja and find that bold, saucy aspect in your own personality. Make your own rules today! Live life on your own terms and don’t let anyone push you around. Like the card says, be adventurous! Try something new or adopt a brave, fearless perspective on life.

Today your life is uncharted territory just waiting to be explored!

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Daily Oracle Reading for Monday ~ Crystals

crystals ascended masters oracle
Ascended Master’s Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s daily oracle reading turned up the “Crystals” card, represented by the Goddess Epona, protector of horses.

If you have crystals in your home, now is a good time to connect with them for healing purposes. Hold them, put them by your bed at night, meditate with them and really appreciate their beauty.

The message I got when I looked at this card was that crystals are very useful in helping us manifest what we desire, contacting our higher selves and facilitating powerful dreams. Many of us have crystals sitting around and we forget to work with them.

Try This! Listen to the wisdom of your crystal by holding it in your hand, closing your eyes and letting yourself slip into a relaxed state of mind. Ask your crystal if it has any messages for you right now and then wait…..did you see any images in your mind’s eye? Did any particular words or phrases come to mind? You will begin to see your crystals in a whole new light when you start doing this regularly!

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Daily Tarot Reading for Friday ~ Clearing

self care cards by cheryl richardson
Self Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson

Today’s daily tarot reading is all about clearing out the old “junk” in order to find new freedom and inspiration.

Take an honest look at your life and decide what needs to go. Perhaps there is a belief or thought pattern that you need to let go of, or clutter that is creating messiness and stress in your home. Whatever it is, find a way to clear it out of your life for good.

Creating some kind of clearing ritual may be of help today. For example, write down on a little scrap of paper what it is you want to clear from your life and then burn it. Or, before you begin your meditation, set the intention to clear from your life all that holds you back and drains your energy. Then imagine yourself exhaling out all the things you want to let go of, feeling your body become lighter each time you breath out.

This will let you begin your weekend feeling light and free!!

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Winged Wise Ones ~ Daily Oracle Card Reading for Tuesday

wisdom of the hidden realms colette baron reid
Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

The message of The Winged Wise Ones is “angelic help, miraculous aid”, reassuring us that we are never alone and that we can call on our angels for help when we need it. This is similar to the message in last Wednesdays reading.

If you believe that there is an unseen spirit world assisting us, today is a great time to try to contact and communicate with your angels/guides. You don’t have to wait until you are in crisis to do so, for it can be very uplifting to connect to your angels on a good day, just for the sake of it.

The more often you connect to this unseen realm, the easier and more natural it feels. There are many ways you can do this, but this is my favorite method:

1) Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Become aware of your breathing and how your body feels.

2) Intend to make contact with your guardian angels (or spirit guides or higher self, however you like to think of it).

3) Focus your attention on your chest/heart center and feel its energy expanding outward to meet your angel/guide. Ask your angel for a sign that you have made contact and ask if they have any message for you. Sit quietly for a few moments to see if any new sensation or idea comes to you.

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