tarot of the pagan cats

Three of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

tarot of pagan cats
Tarot of the Pagan Cats by Lo Scarabeo

The Three of Swords is today’s Tarot card and although this is usually not everyone’s favorite card, this version is somewhat funny with a sulky cat on it! Your a bit pissed off about something today – that’s okay, just don’t let it run your day.

Normally this card represents heartache and feeling betrayed by someone (usually a lover), but I feel like it doesn’t really indicate anything that serious.

You may feel put out about something someone said or did. It was a minor thing, but it bugged you. Part of you kind of wants to wallow in your resentment and another part of you says its not worth it! Focus on something more positive.

This is one of those things that you will forget about in a couple of days, so indeed, focus on something more positive!

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Six of Cups Tarot Card for Wednesday

tarot of the pagan cats
Tarot of the Pagan Cats by Lo Scarabeo

The Six of Cups is today’s Tarot card, bringing you the message that it is time to share your expertise and experience with someone else. Whether you are helping someone get through a difficult time, start a business or learn the ropes in a new job, your willingness to share your knowledge is greatly appreciated.

The Six of Cups Tarot card is all about reaching out and helping someone out of a sense of genuine friendliness. You may want to recall all of the people who have helped you over the years, inspired you and freely shared what they knew. Now its your turn to offer support and pass on what you have learned!

The Six of Cups can also indicate a desire to offer emotional support to a dear friend or even to receive emotional support yourself. The main message I get with this card is that it is time for you to let go of the belief that asking for help equals weakness. Once you do this, you will be able to enjoy giving support to others and asking for support when you need it.

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Eight of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Monday

tarot of the pagan cats
Tarot of the Pagan Cats by Lo Scarabeo

Today’s Tarot card is the Eight of Cups, indicating that a life full of meaning and depth is more important to you than a life of comfort and ease (although the two are certainly not in conflict!)

You may find yourself in a comfy job that is secure but predictable – you find yourself wanting more out of life. Would you risk walking away from something decent, something you have worked hard for, to take a chance at finding a deeper level of fulfillment?

If you are sensing that something is missing in your life, don’t be afraid to take risks and do something out of the ordinary. You came to this planet to experience the excitement of life and to live every moment in the moment, so do things that make you feel alive!

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Four of Cups Tarot Card for Wednesday

tarot of the pagan cats
Tarot of the Pagan Cats, published by Lo Scarabeo

Today’s Tarot card is Four of Cups from The Tarot of the Pagan Cats! It suggests that you may be feeling a bit bored with things lately, like nothing really excites you too much these days.

It’s good to follow your intuition when deciding whether or not to pursue something, but the Four of Cups indicates that fear may be masquerading as boredom and ambivalence. So if you are feeling unenthused about something, go deeper into that feeling and see what’s really behind it.

The Four of Cups Tarot card shows that you will be offered something this week – you don’t have to take it if it isn’t right for you, but try not to immediately dismiss it without really thinking it through, as it could be an opportunity of a lifetime!

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Five of Wands ~ Tarot Card for Monday!

Tarot of the Pagan Cats by Lo Scarabeo

Today’s Tarot card is the Five of Wands, a card of minor struggles, squabbles and healthy competition.
You may feel more tempted than usual today to disagree with people, try to prove yourself right or instigate arguments. If you can, try to resist!

This card also refers to inner struggle between different aspects of yourself. You may find that you feel like lounging on the couch all evening, while your more industrious side thinks you should finish a project, or do chores. Or your rational side may squabble with your more emotional side when it comes to decision making.

Whatever it is that you experience today, it will help you to develop a healthy sense of humor about it. Learn to laugh at your ego and see the lighter side of a situation. Remember what is important to you and focus your attention on creating harmony and cooperation in your life.

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Eight of Wands ~ Tarot Card For Wednesday!

tarot of the pagan cats eight of wands
Tarot of the Pagan Cats, published by Lo Scarabeo

The Eight of Wands Tarot card is an exciting one! It shows up today to remind you that you are gifted with an amazing power to manifest and get things moving!

Send out your request to the universe using your intention, clarity and focus and you will be amazed at the results. Tap into the power of your imagination in order to visualize your desired outcome.

The main message today is that the only thing standing between you and your dreams is…you. Sometimes that can sound pretty irritating but it is also kind of a relief, too!

Make today a manifestation day – once you get clear on your goals and dreams, write them out, draw pictures beside them, or create a vision board that will inspire you on a daily basis – do whatever it takes to make your dreams into something tangible.

Not really sure what your dreams are? Try out my Life Purpose Tarot Spread to get some ideas….

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Daily Tarot Reading for Thursday ~ The Hermit

Tarot of the Pagan Cats The Hermit
The Hermit from The Tarot of the Pagan Cats

You are a journeyer on the path of life and The Hermit comes to tell you that only the light of your own consciousness will show you the way.

No one else can fix your problems or make you become enlightened – this is something you must do for yourself. We are so used to giving away our power to an outside authority and accepting others rules that listening to our higher self and following our own rules can feel foreign to us.

I feel like this card has two messages today. The first is for those who have made their own paths and have chosen not to take the well traveled ones that society has laid out for us. Like the cat in the picture, you are an independent soul. Perhaps you have chosen not to marry or have children, or you are self employed in what others would consider an unusual profession, or you just feel like you don’t really “get” most people and the way they live their lives. You are here to inspire others – to shine a light on what was once darkness and to be living proof that happiness is created from within. You may not realize it yet, but you are forging a path for others to follow many years from now.

The second message is for those who feel drained and overwhelmed by all the activity and social interactions in their lives right now. It is time to retreat and spend time alone. Meditate, go for nature walks, don’t answer the phone or the door and take a break from email and the internet. This will renew your spirit and give you a fresh, clear perspective on life.

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