Daily Tarot Girl presents

Awaken Your Clairvoyant Self!

A special workshop to activate & develop your psychic sight

 Sunday, Oct 20th @ 11am PDT
Price: $47


You will learn...

My 5-step process to activate intuition & clairvoyancy
How to stay safe & protected as you open to psychic energy
2 methods for strengthening your clairvoyant muscle
3 fun & simple clairvoyant reading techniques
How to read Tarot with your Third Eye! 

Clairvoyant means clear seeing - it's the ability to receive psychic and intuitive messages through dreams, visions  and symbols. It can also include the ability to see energy such as auras and spirits.

What you get:

2 hr live workshop + replay 
PDF full of fun worksheets, exercises and reading techniques taught in the workshop
My psychic development tip sheet - a list of tried and true resources for increasing your psychic & intuitive abilities

 Sunday, October 20th @ 11am - 1pm PDT
Price: $47

After payment:

You’ll immediately get a welcome email containing all the important info on how to access your workshop, including the Zoom link.

Hi, I'm Kate (AKA Daily Tarot Girl)

I first learned Tarot over 17 years ago and have since taught thousands of people how to read Tarot through my 900+ YouTube videos, live webinars, podcasts, blog posts, online classes and private lessons.

Psychic development is one of my passions and I believe we ALL have psychic ability, it's just a matter of knowing how to develop it.

My mission is to give you a clear, easy and FUN process for developing your natural clairvoyant abilities and surprise yourself with how psychic you really are!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be a replay?

YES! This workshop will be recorded and you'll get the replay shortly after the live even has ended. You'll be able to download it and watch whenever you like.

Is this class beginner friendly?

Yes! This workshop is for anyone who wants to develop the skill of clairvoyancy (psychic sight).

I've taken lots of psychic development classes - will this be too basic?

Yes, it might be. This workshop is beginner to intermediate level and might be too basic for advanced students.

I can't attend live - is that okay?

Yes, that's fine! You'll get the replay shortly after the live event has ended and you'll be able to watch and follow along at your own pace.

How long is this workshop?

2 hours

You'll come away feeling...

More relaxed, confident & fearless about expanding your psychic abilities 
That you have a clear path forward in further developing your clairvoyancy
Like you've just discovered some buried treasure deep within!

Join me for a fun adventure of psychic exploration & play - I can't wait to help you awaken your psychic sense of clairvoyancy!

The Daily Tarot Girl