Five of Wands ~ Tarot Card for Monday!

Tarot of the Pagan Cats by Lo Scarabeo

Today’s Tarot card is the Five of Wands, a card of minor struggles, squabbles and healthy competition.
You may feel more tempted than usual today to disagree with people, try to prove yourself right or instigate arguments. If you can, try to resist!

This card also refers to inner struggle between different aspects of yourself. You may find that you feel like lounging on the couch all evening, while your more industrious side thinks you should finish a project, or do chores. Or your rational side may squabble with your more emotional side when it comes to decision making.

Whatever it is that you experience today, it will help you to develop a healthy sense of humor about it. Learn to laugh at your ego and see the lighter side of a situation. Remember what is important to you and focus your attention on creating harmony and cooperation in your life.