The Ace of Pentacles Tarot card appears today to celebrate a new beginning in your life. This card is confirmation that you are on the right path, moving along nicely and your future vision couldn’t be any clearer at this point.
Things are finally falling into place for you and this will help you establish a sense of confidence in the future and the direction you are taking. Ground your vision and dreams in reality by recording your ideas in a journal and taking small steps towards them each and every day.
Your enthusiastic energy will inspire others today but beware! – those who are unstable and highly emotional may be drawn to you since being in your presence makes them feel supported and balanced. If this feels okay for you, radiate calmness so that others may develop a feeling of trust in life. But if this feels unpleasant to you, use your intuition to set boundaries and create an environment that nourishes you. Just because you have your shit together, it doesn’t mean you have to be a support system for those who do not!
Awesome reading yet again Kate just like Elizabeth says Great Confirmation, Thank you x
Loved the confirmation in this post Kate! Thank you 🙂