tarot card meanings

The Star Tarot Card Reading for Wednesday

druidcraft tarot the star
The Druidcraft Tarot by Stephanie Carr-Gomm and Will Worthington

Today’s card is The Star tarot card and her message is this: Let go and let life flow. Don’t try to make things happen, just sit back, relax into your life and watch things unfold before you.

If you are feeling stressed out about things, surrender your “problems” to your higher self/god/goddess or angels before going to bed and trust that everything will work out as it should.

Your potential as a human being is far greater when you take a relaxed, trusting approach to life, stop doing and start being. It is important to remain open to higher energies right now as they will help you guide your life in the direction that will be most rewarding for you.


Get in touch with your inner peacefulness today by meditating on the sound of water. Here is a relaxing youtube video to get you started. As you listen to the sound of the running water, notice how it seems to wash away any mental tension and refreshes your spirit. As you go about your day today, remember to tune into that relaxed, peaceful, trusting energy of The Star tarot card – this will bring you closer to your higher self and your life purpose.

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Ace of Wands ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Sat & Sun

paulina tarot ace of wands
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

This weekend is the perfect time to study or explore something that interests you! Take a workshop, try a new craft, experiment with a new mode of artistic expression or read an engaging how-to book. Whatever you do, this weekend is all about learning new skills and doing what excites you.

The owl in this card suggests that your true wisdom can be accessed when you fully engage yourself in what you love to do. Particularly when you are feeling playful and joyous. We often think that “wisdom” and “playfulness” don’t really go together, but here in this Ace of Wands, they do!

I get the sense that gardening will be an important part of this weekend for many of you, as will be spending time in nature and watching birds and other critters go about their day. Be on the lookout for owls this weekend….

You are on the cusp of a new beginning and about to come into your own wisdom and see things with a fresh set of eyes. Keep an open mind and a playful attitude!


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Six of Pentacles ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Friday!

six of pentacles new palladini tarot
The New Palladini Tarot by David Palladini

Today’s daily tarot reading turns up the Six of Pentacles, which brings a message of balance, equality and the importance of generosity.

I have the feeling that most people reading this are very good at showing generosity to others and wouldn’t hesitate to help a friend in need. But how do you feel about accepting help from others? What about accepting compliments?

Today is all about graciously accepting help and kindness from others. You know how good it feels to do something nice for someone, so do someone the favor of letting them do something nice for you!

On a different note, I feel that the Six of Pentacles speaks of the need to balance finances. Don’t be reckless with your spending this weekend and make sure that your inflow and outflow of money is nicely balanced.

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Daily Tarot Reading for Wednesday ~ Ten of Cups

new palladini tarot ten of cups
The New Palladini Tarot by David Palladini

Today’s card, the Ten of Cups is a happy card carrying the message that joy and emotional fulfillment can be a reality for you and not just some far off dream.

However, the rainbow symbolizes things that look great from afar. The rainbow is elusive, and if you try to find its exact location you will be searching forever. Happiness and fulfillment are very similar. The more you chase after happiness, the more it will elude you. If you tell yourself that “happiness” is something in the distance that will only be yours once certain criteria are met, you will be forever pining after it.

Happiness is not something outside of you – it is you! And it is available here and now for you, regardless of whether or not you life is “ideal” and perfect. The belief that something outside yourself will make you emotionally fulfilled is an illusion. Its wonderful to have dreams and goals, but they alone will not bring you joy and fulfillment – only you can do that for yourself.

So the two main messages I got with this card was this:

1) We need to see beyond the illusion that being happy and whole is this future event that we can only dream about. We can become whole and happy this instant and begin living our joy.

2) Being whole and joyful is related to our body(actions), mind(thoughts) and spirit(feelings) being in alignment. When your actions, thoughts and feelings are all on the same page, our lives are able to flow freely and blissfully.

Throughout your day today, pay attention to what thoughts are running through your mind, how you are feeling and what you are doing – are they in alignment or are they frequently conflicted?

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Page of Pentacles ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Monday

crystal visions tarot page of pentacles
Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

Monday’s card, Page of Pentacles, comes to us from the Crystal Visions Tarot Deck, reminding us that we are on the right path, but there is still much we need to learn in our chosen field.

This Page is all about study, learning and apprenticeship, but it refers to both formal and informal study. If you have been thinking about switching careers or branching out and trying something new, it means that studying this new information and learning new skills will be an important step for you.

Take action toward your goals today by looking into courses, programs or teachers that could help you along your new path. Or even start by getting a book on your chosen subject/field and begin doing your own research.

Make sure whatever you are investing your time, money and energy in is something that brings you joy and really captivates your interest. The process of learning should be just as exciting as your idea of this new career. Don’t waste time studying something that holds little interest for you just for the sake of getting a “good” job after.

Enjoy the journey, not just the fantasy of the destination!

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