Today’s daily tarot reading is all about healing your emotions. When a feeling or emotion is suppressed or denied, it blocks your flow of energy and throws you off balance.
You can start to heal your emotions by acknowledging them when they surface and by getting various forms of bodywork such as massage, reiki or accupuncture. Hands on healing can extremely helpful in releasing tension and emotional blockages.
The real message of this daily tarot reading card is that in recognizing your true emotions and having the courage to express them is one of the most powerful and transformative things you can do.
Today, notice when you feel a strong feeling and if you are in the habit of ignoring it, try honoring it instead – invite it to stay a while. Notice what this feeling is asking for and what it needs. Does it need to expressed? Does it ask you to take a particular action? The more you make friends with your emotions, the more helpful you will find them.
Today is your last chance to sign up for my live, interactive Creativity Tarot Reading via conference call, which takes place tomorrow night! Hope to hear you there!