Today’s oracle card reading turned up the goddess Quan Yin whose message is “let it go.” If you are feeling stuck, held back or just drained of energy, ask yourself if there is anything you need to let go of.
If you are holding onto any resentment or anger, now is a good time to let that go. When your energy and focus is all tied up in being irritated or upset about past events, you have less time and creativity to spend on creating a rewarding life.
So ask yourself what do you need to do, say or believe in order to let it go and move on? Can you imagine what it would be like to let go of all the old resentments and frustrations?
Letting go of what you tightly cling to today will free up your energy for tomorrow. Lightness of being and inner peace come from your ability to release past hurt and move forward on your path. Today’s oracle card reading urges you to be gentle with yourself as you do this and give yourself the time and nurturing that you need.