Today’s tarot card, The Creator, is from the Osho Zen Tarot. Creativity will come into your life in full force today, so look out! That creative spark within you wants a chance to come out and shine.
This will feel wonderful if you are ready to express your creativity and take action in creating what you envision. But if you are fearful in any way, it can feel frustrating!
To help process this ever-increasing energy within you, ask yourself these questions:
1) If there were no limits, what would you want to create?
2) What can you create today or this week that would satisfy your creativity?
3) What do I need to do or to let go of in order to feel comfortable expressing myself fully?
The Creator is one of the most confident, powerful cards in the Osho Zen Tarot. He reminds you that you have his power and confidence available to you if you choose to use it!