The Six of Cups is today’s Tarot card, bringing you the message that it is time to share your expertise and experience with someone else. Whether you are helping someone get through a difficult time, start a business or learn the ropes in a new job, your willingness to share your knowledge is greatly appreciated.
The Six of Cups Tarot card is all about reaching out and helping someone out of a sense of genuine friendliness. You may want to recall all of the people who have helped you over the years, inspired you and freely shared what they knew. Now its your turn to offer support and pass on what you have learned!
The Six of Cups can also indicate a desire to offer emotional support to a dear friend or even to receive emotional support yourself. The main message I get with this card is that it is time for you to let go of the belief that asking for help equals weakness. Once you do this, you will be able to enjoy giving support to others and asking for support when you need it.
Hey Kate!
Thanks again for the messages and for your great posts on facebook!
A question: where did you buy your tarot decks?
I live in Paris, and in this great city I couldn’t find any of them. (Of course, I got the Osho, the Crowley decks) But for example tarot of pagan cats…and others…
Yours, EG
Hi Eg!
I buy most of my tarot decks online from amazon.ca – if your in France, you will be able to get most decks on http://www.amazon.fr (I just checked and Tarot of the Pagan Cats is on there). You could also order decks from Abebooks.com (a UK company). Good luck!