Today’s oracle card Into the Woods says “stranger in a strange land, new experiences, feeling uncertain, transition zone.”
You may feel like you are a little lost today, or perhaps as if you are somewhere you don’t really belong. But this is just part of the transition you are going through right now. All part of the Transformation that was mentioned in yesterday’s reading.
If you find yourself proceeding with caution and hesitation, that’s okay. You don’t need to rush forward like a charging bull at this point. Tread lightly if you wish, but know that you are going in the right direction 🙂
So much like my draw today, Kate, which was the Four of Pents holding on tight for all she’s worth but being challenged by the Page of Swords, whose job in life is to wreak havoc on what the Four is trying to preserve! (I used the Housewive’s Tarot, and the Page of Swords is hysterical. He’s a kid running with scissors and getting muddy handprints all over the walls!)
Fortunately, the outcome was the Nine of Cups. Phew. At the end of the day (or process) it will all be worth it. I’ll get what I was wishing for in the first place.
Happy Tuesday,
Thank You. Thats exactly how i feel. Glad to know i am going in the right direction despite the hesitation.