Today’s Tarot card, the Page of Cups, is all about learning and being inspired. Let your intuition and creative yearning guide you toward learning something new today.
This card can represent engaging in artistic activities, learning about art or even learning about tapping into your intuition. But there is an excited, youthful energy with this card, reminding you that no matter how old you are, learning something new will bring you a sense of freshness and renewal.
This Page wears his heart on his sleeve (or his shoulder, in this card), suggesting that being expressive and open about your feelings will serve you well today.
Hi Kate, definitely proved to be true!
Yesterday lots of new learning and a great deal of energy and enthusiasm.
Thank you.
Awesome! 🙂 I did lots of learning yesterday too!
Kate! Cool Page!
Last night I did a Celtic Cross reading for someone, and I actually showed up in the “environment” position–as the Page of Cups! My take on it was that I was helping her connect with her own intuition. Also, using the imagery of the cup in the Page’s hand (the deck I read from was missing the talking fish!) seemed to suggest that my advice was to allow her intuition and learning to take place in a more contained arena–cup versus ocean–until she grew more confident.
It was nice to see this Page surface (ha!) again today. Makes me feel affirmed in my take on her.
Happy Wednesday.
(You’ll be happy to know that the refi continues with a closing date on this Saturday! Oh, what will my cards have to talk about after I close?)
Cup vs Ocean – that is a good way of explaining it – love your interpretation here! This card does have a contained, small-steps first kind of quality to it, I agree. Good luck with the refi…I will be thinking of you 🙂
Lovely reading for today Kate. Looking forward to seeing how this unfolds throughout the day.
Me too, Tameko! 🙂