Today’s card is Faery Tales and the message is all about “letting go, detachment, moving on.”
You are coming out of a sleepy state where you were deeply enmeshed in an illusion of how things were supposed to be.
This may refer to your beliefs about what a romantic relationship should be like (ie: being rescued by a Prince Charming) or even how you thought your life would turn out.
Reality doesn’t match up to the story you have been telling yourself, and thank god for that! Reality, in many ways, is actually much better – its more fluid, interesting and free.
So don’t be afraid to look closely at the “faery tales” you tell yourself. In many ways they only serve to keep you feeling stuck and un-free in your life. When you let go of them, you start to have way more fun!
In the comments below, tell me what myth you have bought into in the past, which may or may not have served you well…
Dear Kate–
1) We missed you. I was afraid that, similarly to the image on this card, Veronica had grabbed ahold of your gown and had tugged you into a faery world from which you would never emerge. But here you are.
2) Please stop reading from this deck. I love it more and more each time you do so, and it is triggering a relapse. (I am only half-kidding!)
3) PERFECT card. Well worth waiting for. Your interpretation describes exactly what I’m struggling with. Thank you!
4) Have a lovely and perfect Kate-ish day.
5) Hugs,
6) Jamie
Jamie – I know! My reading was scheduled to post automatically and something screwed up and it didn’t! I was gone all day long and didn’t turn on my laptop until 11pm and then realized it never posted. How ever did you manage?! Ha ha, just messing!
Yes, this deck is nice, but honestly, I rarely use it. The cards are not bendy enough 🙁
I am truly not loving not-bendy-enough cards. Sadly, this applies to the CVT AND to the adorable Dreaming Way Tarot.