Today you are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. If you have been feeling confused, blah or conflicted about something, the end is in sight.
The Two of Swords is all about gathering your strengths and skills and moving forward in the direction that calls out to you. You may hesitate or doubt yourself, but ultimately you must go forward eventually!
Once you have made your decision you might ask yourself “can I really do this?” and you will never know until you try. But while this figure is holding two swords, he still manages to face the sun with open arms – so be willing to embrace what lies before you 🙂
Shedding doubts, and going forward continued the nudge–push? Thanks for reminding me of what needs to be done.
Synchronistically the spirit whose energy open roads rules this day.
Thank you,
Your welcome, Antonio – which spirit is that?
It is “Lucero Mundo.”