Tarot Reading for April 30 – May 6

Here is your weekly Tarot forecast reading! For this reading I’m using my Heart & Hands Tarot deck (by Liz Blackbird)…

Did you have any ideas of insights as you were watching this reading? Feel free to share!
Have a great week 🙂

3 thoughts on “Tarot Reading for April 30 – May 6”

  1. Hi Kate. I also noticed that the hairline and face of the Prince of Cups look like a heart. Not sure how significant that is given that other decks most likely don’t have that feature. But thought it was interesting anyway!

  2. By the time you said what you did about the Prince of Cups, I had already thought the exact same thing! It’s also like a reminiscence for me – he’s looking into the past – remembering when…. that could be part of the healing aspect for me… and all the hands wrapped around the heart in the 10 of Cups, possibly a coming together of those memories. I use to do a lot of those “artsy fartsy” things you spoke of, and have wanted to do them again.

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