Bizarre times call for bizarre craft projects!
Remember those vision boarding parties back in the 2000’s?
Well I’m about to throw and anti-vision boarding party…and guess what? You’re invited!!!!
A “vision board” is where you clip out pictures and words that represent what you want to manifest in your life and then glue it on a board and hang it on your wall. So 2006!
An anti-vision board is where you clip out images, words and phrases that represent what you actively DISLIKE. Then you glue these on a board or mug to create an edgy and disturbing art piece! Very 2020.
Fun? You bet it is!
Okay, I can hear what your mind beginning to protest “but why focus on the negative? Won’t I end up manifesting what I DON’T want?”
No. The object of an anti-vision board isn’t manifestation, but cathartic expression of everything you vehemently reject.
FACT: Your anti-vision board says a lot about you. Much more than a regular old vision board. You might even call anti-vision boarding a potent (and hilarious!) form of “shadow work”.
What’s on my anti-vision board, you ask? Let’s just say it’s a visually stunning compilation of red wine, luxury SUVs, babies, fast food, Ryan Seacrest and the word “murder” (which is kind of a lie, since I like true crime podcasts).

Ironically, those very same items may be on some peoples vision boards!!!!! And that’s the beauty of life – we’re all different and we’re all drawn to and repelled by different things.
My anti-vision boarding party will take place via my YouTube channel TOMORROW (Monday, March 23rd at 12 Noon PDT) – you can RSVP right here or just show up. The replay will also be available if you can’t make this time 🙂
Here’s what’s going to happen: I’m going to broadcast LIVE from my foster cat room and we’re going to create an anti-vision board (or mug or box or whatevs) TOGETHER! And it’s going to be SO. MUCH. FUN. I can’t wait!!!
Here’s what you’ll need:
– old magazines and catalogues
– scissors
– glue
– modge podge (optional)
– some poster board or a piece of cardboard of any size (if you would rather make a mug, vase or box, then you will need that instead)
– Any other items you want to add for embellishment like glitter or whatever.
– A desire to create some mischievous fun!
How to participate:
Update: This event has already happened, but here’s the replay…
Why I’m doing this:
There is something wonderfully relaxing about flipping through old magazines and chatting and laughing.
Laughter is medicine! Never underestimate the power of laughter to help you heal and relax. So let’s get together and vision board….the wrong way!
Oh my god I love this so much, Kate you’re hilarious! It’s funny you know, but I’ve just started reading “Existential Kink” by Carolyn Elliott, and funnily enough this post of yours taps into that energy – very synchronous indeed (for me!). I don’t know if you’re familiar with the book, but it’s very NAUGHTY in a highly witchy intellectual way 🙂
Sunshine! I’m so happy you liked this 🙂 I hadn’t heard of Existential Kink so I googled it and oh my god, it looks fantastic, I absolutely have to read it!
Oh I sure did, I’m already compiling a list of shit I hate… so far I’ve got: people who talk too much, people who give me orders, music with no soul, brows that just won’t quit, zero alcohol beer, “advice” on Instagram, oh the list could go on forever it’s brilliant, LOVE LOVE LOVE this!
Since I’ve started reading EK, I feel like life is delicious in every single way, I’m sure you’ll love it to pieces it’s just so yummy.
ahaha! I hate most of those things too. Although I haven’t encountered Instagram advice yet (probably because I don’t go on Instagram) and I hate beer in general, non-alc included! Can’t wait to get that book – it sounds like a must read, for sure!