The Six of Swords Tarot card brings you the message that you will be safe and supported when you decide its time to move on and step out into the unknown.
If you have been considering making a move or making a change in your life, the Six of Swords Tarot card is a good omen. However, it does warn you to be weary of the “grass is greener on the other side” mentality and that wherever you go, you take yourself with you!
But the main message with the Six of Swords Tarot card is that you have more support than you realize. This refers to strangers who lend a helping hand, family and friends who are there for you and spirit guides and angels helping you from the other side. You don’t have to do it all alone.
If you are planning a trip, you can be rest assured that it will be safe and enjoyable and that help and guidance will arrive when you need it.