You may have noticed that many “How to Read Tarot” books recommend keeping a Tarot Journal. And you may be thinking Why Bother?!
I thought this too, when I was first learning how to read Tarot cards. A few times I started a Tarot Journal, then forgot about it. Sound familiar?
I used to think the whole process of keeping a Tarot Journal was boring, slow and pointlessly time consuming! I felt same way about regular journaling, too.

But when I discovered the work of SARK and Leonie Dawson, my idea of journaling changed dramatically. While simply writing about myself on a blank page bored me to tears, I noticed that when I had a specific question or topic to write about, journaling was a blast!
So I applied this idea to my Tarot journaling process….and suddenly I was obsessed with journaling about Tarot cards! I even created my own original Tarot Journal, which I now have for sale on this site!
How to create your own Tarot journal:
- Buy a spiral bound notebook and some colored felt pens from the Dollar Store (throw in some sparkly stickers if your feeling silly)
… - Write an open-ended question at the top of every other page
Possible questions:
- What talents am I not using?
- How can I manifest my dreams quickly?
- What do my spirit guides want me to know?
- What is my greatest strength?)
- What talents am I not using?
- Choose one Tarot card for each question and then journal about it! Notice what symbols or figures jump out at you. What does this card seem to be telling you?
- Don’t attempt more than a couple pages per day. Even one page a week is enough to make this a meaningful practice.
This method of Tarot Journaling is super effective!
Having a topic or theme to write about gives your journal entries direction. It also invites you to get more personal and in-depth than you normally would. Plus its extra fun.
To see how I created my own Tarot Journal and to get some ideas, here is my video:
If creating your own journal isn’t really your thing, you can always purchase a copy of mine (I won’t mind!).
Your Tarot Journal can be as simple or as fancy as you like. You can draw rainbows and fairies in the margins like you did when you were eleven. Or you can keep it clean and strictly business if that’s your style! Do what works.
Tarot Journalling transforms your Tarot reading skills because…
Spending time writing about the Tarot cards in a way that is personal really forces you to contemplate the Tarot card meanings on a deep level. The more you gaze at your Tarot cards, the more you open up to greater insights and fresh perspectives.
The writing process helps unlock your intuition, allowing insights to come flooding in. Journalling really personalizes your experience with your Tarot cards – they become a part of you, not just a tool you sometimes use.
So don’t hesitate to craft an amazing Tarot Journal – make it a fun, weekend project!
I was so confused when I came across this journal before I came across your journal. At first Honestly I was like “She published a hand written and colored journal? Ok” then I couldn’t stop thinking about this. I am someone who colors my bullet journal in a similar way to you then it hit me what genius this was and how genius it is. now I feel so inspired. It’s such an authentic way to publish. I have never seen anything like this!
I’m so flattered that you like my journal so much 🙂 thank you, Heidi! ♥
I love it, but I have to translate everything to Spanish.
The questions given here on your site, do you answer them all at once or answer one a day?
Whatever you like, Mila! When I do Tarot journalling, I like to answer a few questions at a time, but you can do one per day if that suits you better.
Been “studying” Tarot for about four years now. Your blog, insights, and tips are fun and inspiring. Thank you. Cheers!!
Thanks Michelle! I’m so happy you’re enjoying my stuff 🙂
Hi Kate! I’m just enjoying going through your website and learn something more about tarot. I’m a die hard fan of oracle cards and I am a beginner for what concerns tarot, so I really like having more info and insight about it. I am daily journaling and I always include my personal readings in it, just to track down my life in the future… The right cards always come to me and additional meanings I’m adding when I write down the message. I keep it as simple as possible like the name of the deck I use, the question I have and then the answer I get. It’s fun and a lot of introspection is going on!
Welcome, Sonia!
Glad to hear you’re such a fan of Oracle cards and that you’re branching into Tarot 🙂
Sounds like you’ve got a great journalling practice – best of luck to you as you learn the Tarot, it’s such a fun process!!
How do you feel about journalling in other mediums? I have never journalled on paper, but I have always taken photos of spreads and put them in private online albums with captions and thoughts added. Sometimes I can get very long-winded and a caption can be several paragraphs long! I have always found this to be very useful and helps maintain a daily practice for me, and I enjoy looking back through later with different perspective. I’m a very visual person and I find it more engaging than just text.
I like your method of journalling. I tend to be totally unimaginative when it comes to journals – I just write. But I’ve seen some people who do elaborate drawings, cut out pictures and create collages or collect things from nature and add them to their journals. I think you should do whatever works best for you 🙂 Thanks for sharing your journalling method here!
I’m a brand new tarot student, but had some experience reading regular card decks. I didn’t know how to read the cards, but only used sheer intuition. In spite of my ignorance my readings were so accurate I had people coming in from other states specially to see me. I was so overwhelmed by the demand for this that I stopped reading the cards.
I can’t imagine what my journey with the Tarot will be like, but I’m getting more educated in this field, and I thank you gratefully for your instructions.
I will give this a try, but need to get my Niece to either take me to the Dollar Tree or the 99 cents store over near her or have her pick me up a couple Journals, so I can make my own.
Thank you for being there and all the work you have put into making the videos on YouTube. Like I said, before, they are full of good information that a beginner like myself needs, and I’ll be 72 years old the end of June.
They say you are never too old to learn anything and their right.
Have a good afternoon my friend.
As always,
Leo aka Cool Man Leo
PS: I’m the coolest, but girl, you are even more cool than I could ever be. I am also known as Big Man Leo…
Hey Leo!
Or should I say Cool Man Leo?
Glad you’re enjoying my videos and articles!
Good luck with making your Tarot journal – let me know how it goes 🙂
This helps greatly, I take a class so I can better myself a tarot and I was reading on how to remember and get to know your cards better and this blog poppes up for journaling! Very insightful
i am still not understanding 🙁 is it for remembering cards? or something else. because i have been doing tarot for about 2 months. i still cant find a good way to remember cards 🙁
It’s for learning the cards – understanding them, connecting with them and yes, remembering them.
This post and your entire blog has been so helpful as I learn to read tarot. I only started this past summer and I feel a bit late to the party but you’re helping me catch up! Love your blog so much!!
Thank you Sorisea! Welcome to my website – I’m so glad you’re here and that you’re learning Tarot 🙂
Thank you… Your articles really helped me a lot!
Thanks Chesie – that’s nice to hear 🙂
Im starting to be more open to my spiritual side I’m wondering what my life purpose is. I’ve got my cards read before but always felt like there’s something they’re not telling me. Do you have any advice on why that is? I’ll greatly appreciate it!
I guess the consistency of keeping a journal is really a challenge for me. I guess having a good discipline would help me counter this challenge.
Hi Kate:Thank you for sharing your tarot journaling ideas.I’m fairly new to tarot.I’m not good with retrieving PDF files or any of that.So far I’ve been using a regular journal book.Going thru one card at a time,I date the page,name of deck.I then put the name of the card,do a meditative state,look and study the card,jot down my first impressions,skip a line or two and write down the divinatory meanings and I’m still going thru my deck.
Scott Lagos
Hi Scott,
Sounds like your journal is really coming along 🙂 That is sort of how I did my first journal, too.
Good luck!
I’m new to this site but have been studying tarot for about 18 months now and am really ready to go even deeper. I love journaling and have about 20 notebooks I’ve written in so far; some are deck specific, some are for lessons and tips; some are just sort of running diary/commentary/thoughts. This year I am making an effort to use and like the Radiant Rider-Waite as it is “the standard”, but I don’t particularly like that one. Did a deck interview, and this deck is actually so “me” I have to pay attention. I do like Scott, and note the date; card; the deck; the question; my thoughts; then what others say; then some more comments. Come back in a day or so to see if I have anything else to add. (and I could continue writing here, but you get the point)
Oooo so excited to have found your site! Yes! Having a Tarot journal certainly does enable you to greatly gain insights and a deepen your understanding of the cards. I have journaled for years and have over 30 years of journals now, as an artist. Having read Julie Cameron’s The Artist Way literally changed my life, and became such a vital way of life in relation to my creative process and art practice.
Hi Catherine,
Thanks for your comment 🙂 I love Julia Cameron’s book too! It’s one of those books that I can go back to again and again. It must be really fun for you to go back over your old journals from 30 years ago. I used to keep a journal as a teenager, but ended up burning it years later – it was pretty cringe-worthy! LOL.
I’ve burned a few of my older journals for the same reason. Yikes!
Hi, love your ideas! Got a lot of inspiration from your website. But can’t find your workbook anywhere :(, the link only shows the book for spreads? Would love to buy it though!
Hi Nani,
My new Tarot Journal is now available for purchase right here: I ended up taking the old Tarot Workbook down because it was for 2013 (kind of dated!)
So glad you find my site inspirational! 🙂
I’ve bought a notebook with a lavender cover when I got my Crystal Visions Tarot, but because of the same reasons, I never managed to start journaling or taking notes on it, in fact the only thing I did was writing down the quick meaning list that you prepared. 🙂 Ever since I started to interact with your Tarot Workbook, things changed! I not only write, but talk with the spreads I do and take notes down from it too, it’s like an ever lasting inspiration, something magical! It is also a boost for Leonie’s workbook too, I gain more and more insight every time I work with both! Thank you so much for sharing your Workbook and your ideas with us, I’ll start working out question-answer journaling today!
Deniz, I am so excited that my workbook has changed how you feel about Tarot journalling! 🙂
I am also working with Leonie’s workbook and my own and I find they are a nice combination.
Let me know how your Tarot journalling goes…
Warm Regards,
I love the Tarot Workbook! It reminded me of Sark’s journal/workbooks so it doesn’t surprise me that you like those too. Your workbook turned out so wonderfully. It is inspiring me to think of my own pages to add to it. It is really encouraging and joyful in the artwork and layouts. Thank you so much for making it available for us to obtain. I hope you consider doing more things like this when you feel inspired. I love love love it. I love looking at it.
Thank you, Tess! That makes me really happy to hear you are enjoying my workbook so much 🙂 I think I am going to print your comment out and put it up on my fridge!!! There are certainly more e-books and workbooks in the works. I really had so much fun creating that workbook (aside from some of the technical computer-related aspects), that I can’t wait to make more.
Hey, Kate–
Great topic!
I loved watching you share your tarot journal–it looks like so much fun. Also, like you mention, I had great resistance to tarot-journaling. Then someone gave me the cutest little blank book for my birthday–and somehow, that was all I needed to push me forward.
Now, how I journal is by doing a daily draw and writing the card/cards down and, like Jan (above), noting the insights I get. And I definitely get more insights from that writing/looking/writing/looking process than before when I just did the “looking” part!
This daily draw/journaling process has given me a deeper connection to the cards and allowed them to make their wisdom more easily applicable to my daily life!
Have a great weekend. And thanks so much for all the good energy and guidance you provide on this blog.
Thank you, Jamie! That’s awesome that your Tarot journalling every day. You really do get more of a connection with the cards when you make it a regular practice, I think. Thanks for sharing this.
I am relatively new to Tarot reading. I have taken a few classes at a local shop and have read several books. I sometimes get stuck thinking of only the “learned keywords” for a card. I find with journaling, I am able to be much more insightful and see meanings that I never realized were there, but definitely apply.
I start each morning by pulling a card and listing my general impressions. The next morning, before I pull that days card, I reflect back on what occurred and how my card related to my day. I often see things that are now obvious, but were hidden from me at the beginning of the day. This has really helped me relate to my deck (standard Waite) in a much more personal and insightful way. You might say my High Priestess is helping me to become a better reader!
I anxiously read your column everyday and am learning so much from you…thanks! Jan
Thanks Jan, for sharing your Tarot journalling method. I agree that it lets you get away from those “set card meanings” and engages the more creative side of your brain! Im happy your enjoying my blog!!