Search Results for: druidcraft tarot

Eight of Swords – See Your Problems as a Game (Tuesday)

eight of swords
Druidcraft Tarot

The Eight of Swords comes today to remind you of why you create “problems” in your life.

From the perspective of your Higher Self, you create problems so you can learn to heal and create change for yourself. In other words, your problems and challenges exist to help you become skilled at creating peace and joy for yourself.

Think of your “problems” as a game and get creative thinking of different ways you might shift things. The woman in this card is here by her own accord – no one put her there and no one will rescue her – it is up to her to untie herself and lift her blindfold.

Once you see your problems as something that is self created, you are free to have fun with them – this sounds a bit “out there”, I know! But looking at your life in this way can create a sense of peace and freedom.

Eight of Swords – See Your Problems as a Game (Tuesday) Read More »

Stop Procrastinating! Seven of Cups (Monday)

7 of cups
Druidcraft Tarot

There is a difference between contemplation and procrastination. So are you processing things or are you stuck? The Seven of Cups Tarot card suggest you might be stuck!

So many choices, so many different paths you can take, but don’t spend forever in that glazed over, spaced out state of overwhelm and indecision. Take action!

You keep thinking that a great idea will smack you over the head eventually….but you might be waiting a while. The sooner to take some kind of action, the better. Then you will have more ideas, insights and solutions than you will know what to do with.

So what are you waiting for? Get crackin’!

Stop Procrastinating! Seven of Cups (Monday) Read More »