earth magic oracle

Ocean ~ Daily Oracle Card for Sat & Sun

Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven Farmer
Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven Farmer

Today’s daily oracle card is “Ocean: Ebb and Flow” and it carries with it a message of constant change, cycles and fluctuations.

Like the tide, your life will have times of ebb, where things will seem to slow down and there may be a lack of abundance. And then times of flow, where abundance will come to you easily and naturally.

Times of flow can be exciting and exhausting, so rather than being afraid of the times of ebb, see it as an opportunity to rest and catch your breath. You will need to gather your energy to prepare for the coming period of flow and abundance.

The other meaning I get from this daily oracle card is that we can recharge our batteries by spending time by large bodies of water – oceans, lakes, rivers. I don’t think swimming pools really count. The energy that these bodies of water give off can positively change our moods, so make it a priority this weekend to got to the beach, swim in a lake or lounge by the river!

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New Moon ~ Daily Oracle Card for Monday

earth magic oracle cards
Earth Magic Oracle by Steven Farmer

Today is the perfect day to start things fresh. Don’t wait until New Years to make your resolutions – start today!  Make a promise to yourself and enjoy that exhilarating feeling that change is in the air.

If you were to make a promise to yourself today, what would it be? And how will you make sure you will keep that promise?

If possible, spend some time in nature this evening, reflecting on your life and what is important to you. It will be in these times of quiet solitude that some of your best ideas and inspirations will come to you.

Today’s daily oracle card suggests you savor this time of new beginnings and fresh starts!


I am excited to announce that starting on Aug 30th, I will be doing Full Moon Readings on every full moon! It will be a live event, via conference call. The first Full Moon Reading will be free and open to all who would like to join – click here to sign up!

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