Nine of Swords ~ Tarot Card Reading for Thursday

nine of swords
Shadowscapes Tarot

The Nine of Swords has appeared today to tell you to stop worrying! That only makes things worse!!! You need to get it together and put things in perspective today.

Even if your worst fear manifested, chances are it would not be as awful as anticipating that fear. The guy in this card is looking up at the sky with dread and thinking oh no, here it comes, here it comes!

This card is all about learning to manage your thoughts. Your thoughts create your feelings and together, these are what create your reality in many ways. So its important for you to master your thoughts and what better way to do this than create situations for yourself so you can “practice” this.

There are many different ways to manage your negative or fearful thoughts. I have found The Work of Byron Katie to be quite helpful, as well as Tapping.

Hay House, Inc.

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