oracle reading

Oracle Card Reading for Monday ~ A New Dawn

Dolphins & Mermaids Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Happy Monday! Today’s oracle card, A New Dawn, emphasizes new beginnings and fresh starts. The message on the card reads “The worst is now behind you, and positive new experiences are on the horizon.”

New opportunities may present themselves today, bringing you excitement and a chance to grow into your talents. Take a relaxed approach and watch as things unfold before you. You really don’t have to do too much right now – everything is unfolding exactly as it should.

As you step into this new era of your life, ask yourself what you are most excited about – what are you looking forward to the most? Doing this can really help draw positive experiences toward you.

This oracle card suggests that moving forward, you will have more opportunities to use your innate, natural talents which bring clarity about life path issues. What innate skills do you have that you would like to use more often? What “gifts” are you wanting to share with others? If you read tarot or oracle cards, you may want to try out my Sharing Your Gifts Tarot Spread.

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Oracle Card for Sat & Sun ~ “Everything is Well”

Guidance Dogs Oracle Cards

Today’s oracle card comes from the Guidance Dogs Oracle Cards. The message today is “everything is well.”

Spend a few moments just saying this to yourself. Close your eyes, let your body relax and repeat the words “everything is well”, noticing how your mind relaxes each time you say it.

The message I get from this card is that the more we repeat this phrase to ourselves, the easier it will be to ground our energy and feel calm and stable. So if you are feeling stressed, anxious and scattered, try the above exercise.

This weekend will be all about staying grounded, calm and contented, regardless of what we are doing. You may find yourself in a kayak gliding silently along the bay of a quiet inlet or you may be in the middle of a tumultous family dinner, but when you realize that all is well and everything is as it should be, you will immediately feel at peace.

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Oracle Card Reading for Friday ~ Independence

self care cards by cheryl richardson
Self Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson

Today’s Oracle Card Reading reveals that it will be important for you to really exercise your independence. This can make you feel powerful and in charge of your own life, or anxious if you are too worried about hurting someone’s feelings.

The message on the back of this card says, “Decide for yourself. Exercise your right to choose.”

There may be many well meaning people in your life who are very generous with their advice and who think they know what’s best for you. Thank them for their help and then make the choice that feels right to you.

This could mean going in a totally different direction than you had previously planned or even breaking away from the group and striking out on your own. Always remember that your sense of freedom and empowerment depends on your ability to recognize your right to make choices in your own life.

This Oracle Card Reading encourages you to let go of any worries about how others might take your expression of independence. Imagine those around you being supportive of your choices and in turn, offer them your unconditional acceptance of the life choices that they make (even if you think they are making a terrible mistake!).

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Action ~ Daily Oracle Card for Thursday

oracle card reading
Self Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson

Today’s daily oracle card is Action. The message on the back of this card is: “Take action. The journey to find your lost self begins with one step.”

If you look back at some of the biggest changes you made in your life, chances are they all started with one small step. Taking action does not have to mean making big changes or doing something that scares you, but following your inner calling.

Today is the perfect day to make one small step in a direction you would like to go in. Start by creating a list of things you would like to do, change or create. Narrow down your list by choosing the one thing that jumps out at you. Today’s daily oracle card asks: What can you do today that would bring you closer to your goal?


Want more creativity in your life? Today is your last chance to sign up for my live, interactive Creativity Tarot Reading that takes place tonight!!!!

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Morning Affirmations ~ Oracle Card for Friday!!!

doreen virtue oracle card
Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

A wonderful way to manifest what you want in your life is to do morning affirmations. It is amazing how quickly you will see results when you spend five minutes each morning affirming what you wish to be true.

This oracle card says “Say positive affirmations each morning to open the gates of manifestation”. Affirmations, when done correctly, will lift your energetic vibrations. If this is done in the morning, it can effect your vibration for the whole day. This is how you start your day off right, as it will attract positive experiences, opportunities and synchronicities.

Here are my guidelines for doing effective morning affirmations:

  • start by choosing 1-3 affirmations. Work with these for at least two weeks.
  • write your affirmations down on a recipe card
  • your affirmations should be in the present tense, as if they were already true or already happening. (For example, write “I am making a good income doing what I love” rather than “I will be able to make a good income doing what I love”)
  • believe your affirmations to be 100% true as you are saying them (get into the feeling state of what it would feel like for your affirmation to be true)
  • read your morning affirmations at least three times every morning. Each time you say the affirmation, visualize it implanting itself deep into your subconscious mind.

Good luck and have fun!

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