Nine of Swords ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Monday

nine of swords tarot card
New Palladini Tarot

If you find yourself in a state of anxiety or worry today, the Nine of Swords is here to remind you that you have the ability to quickly climb out of any mental/emotional downward spirals.

If you are feeling any amount of discontent, examine your thoughts to find which ones are causing you stress. Since thoughts can create anxiety, they can also be used to create calm and well-being. Write down your negative thoughts and come up with positive exception thoughts to replace them. For example, if you are thinking “I will never get out of debt!”, try thinking “It is possible for me to be debt-free – in fact, I can imagine it clearly.”

If you are feeling at all regretful or guilty about a situation, start by forgiving yourself. Ask yourself what your original intention was when you did whatever it was you now regret. What can you do now to make things better? This will stop the downward spiral of negativity in a heartbeat.

The main message of Nine of Swords is that all anguish, anxiety, and sleepless nights are caused by our own thoughts and how we choose to interpret a situation. We believe our thoughts to be real, which they aren’t! Our thoughts are changeable, which means that we have the power to create calmness and joy just as much as we are able to create upset and unhappiness.


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Seven of Cups ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Sat & Sun

seven of cups tarot card
New Palladini Tarot

Choices, choices, choices! This weekend is full of different opportunities and events – you just have to decide what you want to do. The Seven of Cups warns you not to waste too much time trying to decide – just go with what interests you the most.

Another message of the Seven of Cups is to avoid spreading yourself too thin. Don’t try to do everything this weekend – pick and choose the best options. This way, you will have the energy and focus to enjoy what you are doing, instead of rushing around trying to fit everything in!

On a broader scale, this may apply to your life in general as well. I notice this card can come up for people who have a very large array of interests and hobbies or several possible careers. It is true that in making certain choices, comes the loss of other choices. But it is important to keep in mind that we will always have a wide array of choices in our lives – different choices, depending on what’s going on for us, but choice will be there nonetheless. So do not think you are limiting your choices by making a decision!

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Morning Affirmations ~ Oracle Card for Friday!!!

doreen virtue oracle card
Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

A wonderful way to manifest what you want in your life is to do morning affirmations. It is amazing how quickly you will see results when you spend five minutes each morning affirming what you wish to be true.

This oracle card says “Say positive affirmations each morning to open the gates of manifestation”. Affirmations, when done correctly, will lift your energetic vibrations. If this is done in the morning, it can effect your vibration for the whole day. This is how you start your day off right, as it will attract positive experiences, opportunities and synchronicities.

Here are my guidelines for doing effective morning affirmations:

  • start by choosing 1-3 affirmations. Work with these for at least two weeks.
  • write your affirmations down on a recipe card
  • your affirmations should be in the present tense, as if they were already true or already happening. (For example, write “I am making a good income doing what I love” rather than “I will be able to make a good income doing what I love”)
  • believe your affirmations to be 100% true as you are saying them (get into the feeling state of what it would feel like for your affirmation to be true)
  • read your morning affirmations at least three times every morning. Each time you say the affirmation, visualize it implanting itself deep into your subconscious mind.

Good luck and have fun!

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Daily Oracle Card for Thursday ~ Trust

self care cards by cheryl richardson
Self Care Cards by Cheryl Richardson

Today’s daily oracle card is “Trust” and it is urging you to let go of worry, anxiety and fear and trust that everything will work out for the best.

I feel like this card applies to both small life issues and bigger ones. Where in your life could you use more trust? Having trust in life allows you to be confident and calm, even when the situation may be stressful.

The back of this card says “Trust your decisions. March to the beat of your own heart”. Ask yourself what those words mean to you? What would marching to the beat of your own heart look like for you? How would you live your life differently?

When we have difficult decisions to make, it is not uncommon for others to offer their advice. Today’s daily oracle card reminds you that it is important for you to listen to your intuition and trust fully in the decisions you make, regardless of what others may say. It is equally important for you to allow others to march to the beat of their own heart and not to take offense if your friends, family and colleagues do not always take your advice!

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Ten of Wands ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

crystal visions tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

The message of the Ten of Wands tarot card is not to let life bog you down! Learn to say no to requests that you do not wish to fulfill and don’t be tempted to take on more than you need to today.

Sometimes we take on too many things at once – either because we feel a sense of obligation or duty or even because at the time, a new project or event seemed exciting and fun. But if you are feeling weighed down by everything that you need to do, its time to take a step back and drop those things that are not truly important.

You want to move through the adventure of life feeling unencumbered, being able to experience things here and there but not feeling like your life is dragging you down and holding you back from experiencing things. Choose wisely what you would like to spend time on and where you direct your energy. This includes who you choose to spend time with, what you read, watch and think about. You don’t have to constantly sensor yourself, but choose things that lift your spirits and leave you feeling fulfilled and enriched.

If you are feeling overwhelmed right now, make a list of everything you must do. Now ask yourself:

  • Is there anything on this list that can wait or that can be scratched off completely?
  • Can I delegate anything on this list to someone else?
  • Use colored highlighters to designate high, medium and low priority tasks
  • What would help you the most in getting through this list calmly and productively?

The Ten of Wands Tarot Card has come up today to remind you that how you spend your time is in YOUR power and no one elses!

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Goddess Guidance Oracle Card for Tuesday ~ Freyja (Bold)

doreen virtue goddess guidance
Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

The card for today is Freyja and she comes from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. Her message is to “unleash your adventurous side! Take risks and be daring.”

If you normally like to play it safe and stick to the tired and true, challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone and take a risk today. Do something that you have been too scared to do in the past, but always wanted to!

Today is the perfect day to tune into the energy of Freyja and find that bold, saucy aspect in your own personality. Make your own rules today! Live life on your own terms and don’t let anyone push you around. Like the card says, be adventurous! Try something new or adopt a brave, fearless perspective on life.

Today your life is uncharted territory just waiting to be explored!

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Daily Tarot Reading for Monday ~ Existence

osho zen tarot
Osho Zen Tarot

Today’s daily tarot reading is all about feeling at home no matter where you are. Many of us are always searching for that perfect job, home or partner so we can feel “settled” or “at home” when in reality it has nothing to do with these things.

This week, focus on feeling “at home” in your body, mind and spirit. When you make peace with yourself, it doesn’t matter where you are or what you are doing, you will always feel at home.

The other message I got with this card is that we are all powerful creators who are an important part of the universe. What we think and feel creates the world around us and so this week will also be about becoming conscious of how we are directing our thoughts and feelings. Take a moment to recognize your ability to manifest and celebrate all the great things in your life that you have created and attracted to you.

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Daily Oracle Card for Sat & Sun ~ Healing Heart

magical mermaids and dolphins oracle cards doreen virtue
Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

The daily oracle card for today is Healing Heart and it’s message is: “you’re a powerful healer, keep up the great work!”

This weekend will be all about healing yourself and others in many different ways. The healing power of the ocean figures prominently in this card and I feel like any activity by the ocean – relaxing on the beach, swimming, boating, kayaking – will be healing this weekend.

Laughter is also healing – and so the more you connect with friends, spouses, kids and pets, the more opportunity for shared laughter.

But the real message of this card is to be fully present in your interactions with others this weekend – and this in itself will bring about an incredible healing energy that will bring about peaceful and positive feelings. When your talking with a friend, really listen to them and when you are snuggling with your pet, sense the energy that is being exchanged.

Try to minimize multitasking this weekend, as it is difficult to be fully present when you are trying to do a bunch of things at once. Just focusing completely on doing one thing at a time will be healing for your mind, body and spirit – and for those around you.

Have a lovely, healing weekend!!!

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Four of Cups ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Friday

fenestra tarot
Four of Cups from The Fenestra Tarot

The Four of Cups tarot card suggests you could be feeling a little apathetic about something today. An opportunity that just doesn’t excite you may arise this afternoon. Or you could just be feeling generally uninspired about what the weekend has to offer.

Don’t pass up a good opportunity just because you are feeling kind of blah. However, if alone time is what you need, don’t hesitate to take a break from the rat-race to recharge your batteries.

This card can come up when you are feeling indifferent about things you used to be excited about. If what used to thrill you just makes you feel tired, ask yourself what has changed. What was it about this hobby, job or person that was so appealing to you before? What is unappealing about it now?

You can break out of this rut by doing something totally unexpected and out of the ordinary today (or this weekend). Try an activity that you always wanted to try – go indoor rock climbing or go to a bellydance class. Go to a movie by yourself (if you don’t normally do this), or spend the day at the beach, reading a trashy novel. Do whatever it takes to shake things up!

The Four of Cups Tarot Card is here to remind you that only you can change your energy – don’t wait for someone else to sweep in and do it for you!


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Daily Oracle Card Reading for Thursday

purification white tara oracle card
Ascended Masters Oracle by Doreen Virtue

Today’s daily oracle card is Purification ~ White Tara. The need for cleansing and clearing are indicated by this card, on both physical and energetic levels.

Habits, thoughts, emotions and energies are held within our auric fields and need to be periodically cleansed so we don’t get stuck in a rut and bogged down with all the buildup.

Breathing techniques such as Kapalabhati breath can help cleanse your body of toxins, as well as infrared saunas, yoga, vigorous exercise and drinking plenty of water with lemon juice. And you can cleanse your mind of old thought forms through regular meditation.

Avoiding things that bring your energy down to a low state is also a form of purification. Try going a day or two without listening, watching or reading the news and notice how much more energized you feel.

Ask yourself: What can I do today that would help cleanse my mind, body and spirit?

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