Eight of Wands ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Tuesday

eight of wands tarot card
Tarot of a Moon Garden

Things are happening at lightning speed and it’s important to go with the flow and stay centered so you don’t get overwhelmed. It’s an exciting time for you right now!

The Eight of Staffs, or Eight of Wands in other Tarot decks is the perfect card to pull if you are feeling stuck or stagnant in your life. Things are finally moving forward, plans are unfolding and it’s really happening.

When you send your intentions out into the Universe, they will eventually come back in the form of chance meetings, opportunities, offers and ideas. Don’t ever think for a moment that setting an intention and reminding yourself of it daily is a waste of time – it isn’t!!!!

If you have a goal that you want to bring to fruition, try using creative visualization. Spend a few minutes each day visualizing your goal and feeling what it would be like to have achieved it. This causes you to project energy out into the universe, helping you manifest your vision.

2 thoughts on “Eight of Wands ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Tuesday”

  1. Wow… somehow the cards you have drawn over the past few days seem to apply quite well to me. Your card on the weekend said “positive change”. That was very accurate since something quite amazing happened to me on Saturday. And yes, the card today seems to apply quite well to me too… life has suddenly started moving at a terrific pace.

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