Today’s oracle card reading turns up the Goddess card – one of my favourites!!! The message on this card is: Express your Divine feminine energy, embracing its magical intuition and nurturing qualities.
Regardless of whether you are a man or woman, today is the day to celebrate your “feminine” qualities and right brain thinking. The right brain is expansive, creative and perceives connection among all things. Enjoy expressing these qualities, as well as nurturing those around you, including yourself.
If you are feeling stuck or indecisive, try shifting to right brain thinking. Your intuition will be heightened today, so take advantage of it! The main message I get with this card is that there is always a different way of perceiving and experiencing things – today is the day to celebrate your connection with feminine energy and right brain thinking!
Here is a brilliant video that I recently watched that explains how the right brain works:
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Thanks for sharing this, Chetan – it was interesting. Alot of Tarot books suggest you choose the cards with your left hand because that is the hand that is open to receiving, so I guess that is the same concept.