The Queen of Cups Tarot card, this one is from the Paulina Tarot, comes today to remind you that your dreams are waiting patiently inside of you, wanting to come out!
If you often find yourself wondering if something is possible, the Queen of Cups would tell you that you need not wonder if, but how you can bring something into reality.
All possibilities are already inside of you. It’s up to you to decide which ones you are going to “give birth to” or manifest. It is a matter of opening your mind to what you believe is possible and then consciously aligning yourself with your dream.
Life Coaching Activity
Here is a fun activity to help you get started on mapping out your dreams and creating realistic pathways and inroads in your life to help you get there!
For this you will need: colored pens and a large piece of paper (or two regular sized sheets of paper taped together to form a long, rectangular piece).
On the left side of your sheet of paper, write a vertical list of what elements make up your life right now. This could be your job, daily activities, hobbies – basically what you do in an average week.
My Life Now:
On the far right side of the paper you write your dreams. You can be totally free and creative here – you don’t need to be realistic. Just list the elements of your ideal life! Sometimes it can be fun to draw little pictures beside each dream.
My Dreams….
In the center of the paper, draw a big heart (or globe) in this you will brainstorm all your positive qualities– your gifts, talents, learned skills, likeable traits, etc.
Now, in the space between the heart and your dreams, write down how you would like your life to be like one year from now. You should be somewhat realistic here – only write down things that you believe will be achievable in one year.
My Life in One Year:
In the space between your life now and the heart, write down 5 small steps you will take in the next couple of months in order to move closer to your one year goal. Underneath this, make a list of all the people that will help you on your path (such as friends, teachers, mentors, family).
You can put this up on your wall or fridge, or tuck it away and peek at it every now and then. You will surprised how quickly some of your goals manifest after writing them down like this!