The Queen of Cups Tarot card appears for you today because today is the day for manifesting! Don’t hesitate to spend time daydreaming this afternoon about what you want to create in your life, because you have the focus and ingenuity to really pull it off right now.
Connect deeply with your ability to draw to you that which you desire by remembering all the times in your life that you did just that. What are some of the amazing things in your life that you made happen? How did you do it?
The other message that I get with the Queen of Cups is that now is the time for you to get in touch with your feelings and emotions, particularly as they relate to your close relationships. You might feel called to be an emotional support system for a close friend right now or you may be getting strong intuitive feelings about someone close to you. Trust your feelings and have confidence in yourself.
Check out my review of the Crystal Visions Tarot deck…