Before I get into today’s reading, I have a favor to ask you!….I am currently creating a Tarot e-book/workshop and I want to get a better idea of what Tarot topics are of interest to my readers. The major question I have is: what are the biggest challenges you face when reading Tarot for others? Just let me know in the comments section – I can’t wait to hear your reply! Thank you in advance 🙂
The Osho Zen Tarot message for today is that its time to slow down and savor life at a snails (or turtles) pace. This will allow you to go deeper and notice things that normally pass you by.
If you have been going along at a hectic pace, try to consciously slow things down this week – whether that means trimming your schedule or trading in TV time for yoga – do what works for you. If you feel like life is going too slow for your liking, take advantage of this time by going within and re-evaluating the direction you are headed in.
In the areas of career and life purpose, take slow, deliberate steps toward your goals. There is no need to rush or panic – take your time. If you are worried about procrastinating, do one small thing each day that brings you closer to your goal. And most importantly, stay present!
*Today is the last day to get in on the early bird special for this Wednesday’s Full Moon Reading on Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity…click here to sign up!
The court cards are always a challenge for me. Are they people in the person’s life, aspects of the person herself, or both? They always take me the longest to connect with in decks, meanings and readings.
I agree – I still struggle with court cards actually. A court card could represent an actual person or personality traits that the querent should emphasize or perhaps even traits that could get in their way. So yeah, court cards are pretty confusing in alot of ways!
Hi Kate, l usually use thre rider waite or anna k tarot the images are very similiar, so for me its easier to read, clear pictures that transmit. And the hardest thing when l read is that l´m empath so sometimes l feel just what the other person feels, that makes things a bit confusing for reading. l wish this helps, but as l told you l´m a beginner, l wish you all the luck to finish your own deck, l´ll be waiting, thanks Kate xx
Thanks for your reply, Mary. I know what thats like when you begin absorbing the energy of the person your reading for. I find that sometimes if a person is really nervous It makes me nervous and jittery as well. I have found that grounding exercises have helped me with this.