Oracle Card Reading for Friday!

Earth Magic Oracle Cards

Wolf (Instinct) is today’s oracle card and it’s message is to trust your own instincts, even if ignoring them may seem easier in the short term.

You have an innate ability to know exactly where to go, what to do and how to do it. Even though you often forget to use your instinctual abilities, you still have them! You may experience this today as a feeling of excitement, or tiredness when someone suggests an idea to you.

Sometimes its hard to trust your instincts if you have a strong feeling that you should feel or act a certain way. You may fear offending someone if you go with your instincts, but realize that this is only a social fear and your instincts really do know the best path for you. Its safe for you to trust them.

Get in touch with your instincts by meditating in nature (or just imagining yourself in nature while you meditate), and asking your instincts to reveal themselves and bring you guidance. I did this the other day and was amazed at the insights I got, as well as all the creative ideas that came flooding in! Make sure you keep a notebook and pen handy for afterwards.