Today’s oracle card is Snail’s Pace from my Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle. The message on this card is “slow down, grounding, listen for the heartbeat of the earth, subtle energies.”
Hrm, hrmm, this is very similar to yesterday’s Four of Swords! Perhaps you didn’t take the advice of yesterday’s card? (which was to take a nap). If so, today is STILL a nap day! Yay!
However, I don’t feel like today is really a do-nothing kind of day, but rather a do one-thing-at-a-f*&%ing-time kind of day. Don’t pull any of that multitasking nonsense and just focus on being fully present and alive in all that you do. Have a beautiful Thursday! 🙂
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Hi Kate!
Considering my boyfriend and I were in a major car accident, we should have listened to the Universe yesterday, but didn’t. So much had to be done and we pushed ourselves to do it. Though we’re both headed back to work today, we’re definitely going to be moving at a snail’s pace. Thankfully, we have co-workers who are understanding and won’t mind.
Thanks for the reading!
Hi Berne,
I am so sorry to hear that – I hope you are doing okay now and getting the rest you need.
Sending you healing vibes 🙂
Nope, I for one did not listen yesterday, perhaps Snail’s Pace is just what I need today for my reminder to slow down! Thank you, Kate, hopefully things will get back on track for me after I heed this wonderful advice 🙂
Thanks Mel – sometimes the messages need repeating before we will listen! I know I didn’t really “slow down” yesterday either…but I will today 😉
OMG, Kate. Crazy how yesterday’s 4’s and today’s Snail’s Pace’s figures are both in virtually the same position, shown at the same angle, and with wings above them!
Maybe we just couldn’t see clearly enough what the 4 guy was doing inside his swords-fence, so Snail showed up to give us the close-up!
Hugs and happiness. (And don’t be makin’ me buy any more flippin’ decks! They always look so cute and awesome when you feature them here. And, speaking of which, if I DID want to buy this deck, what do you say to providing a convenient and obvious Amazon link just beneath your post? Hint, hint.)
jme of the morning
Hi Jamie,
This deck is pretty cool, I know! I didn’t link to Amazon because I thought it wasn’t available through them (except at crazy high prices because I think its out of print at the moment). But I did find it on there and there is one left….http://www.amazon.com/Wild-Wisdom-Faeiry-Oracle-Cavandish/dp/1572815000/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1363294717&sr=8-2&keywords=wild+wisdom+of+the+faery+oracle
Lol! Yes Kate! Yesterday I didn’t really rest and was trying to do more than 1 thing at a time. Today it’ll be my “one thing at a f@*#& time” kinda day. Thanks!! BTW…Wow…that’s a beautiful card! I love fairies and have a couple of fairy decks myself. I think I’m gonna add that one to my collection! 🙂
Hey Erica, glad to hear my advice made sense to you! Yeah, if you like fairies, you will love this deck, its awesome 🙂