Today’s Tarot card is the Two of Air from the Osho Zen Tarot (aka Two of Swords). This Tarot card seems to be screaming “make a decision already!”
Your head is above the clouds, so you have it in you to make a clear decision, even if you don’t believe it. Now is the time to decide, not a week from now or a month from now. The time is now.
Your life will get easier once you choose a distinct path, and you will have extra energy at the end of the day. Things seem all big and serious right now, but when you look back on this time you will think what was I so conflicted about?
Hey, Kate–
Just to tell you that I missed your posts this weekend while I was away! I came back feeling a little raw, as I often do when I’m away from home and situations/people I’m used to. And one thing I noticed was that I really feel like you’re part of my tribe–I feel comforted to come back and think about what you’ve written over this weekend.
As for this 2Swords image, it does describe my Friday. I was, in some ways, so reluctant to leave home; it was as if I was trying to hold onto home at the same time I was trying to get out of the house to go away and do my job.
I think we’ll need to talk, soon!
And thanks for being a friend!
Thank you, Jamie – that is super sweet of you! 🙂