Feeling Safe is the theme of today’s Oracle card, from the Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards. There is a difference between being safe and feeling safe. You can be safe, but still feel vulnerable.
Today’s card is here to say you are safe and now its time to focus on feeling at ease in your life. If you don’t actually feel unsafe, do you feel stressed in any way? Again, its possible to feel stressed out when nothing is actually wrong.
If you have spend many days on high alert – either at work, dealing with work-stress or at home – its now time to scale it down a bit. You don’t need to feel so keyed up anymore. You can relax now. Do some yoga, meditate and create an affirmation for yourself that immediately puts you in a state of ease.
They’re a little goofy, but I do have a deep affection for this deck. Thank you for reminding me how much I like them. I’d given a deck away a couple of years ago, but bought myself a new (used) copy when I saw you reading from it, here.
Today’s message is a perfect one for me. I can have my antennae tuned a little too high and spend my days focused on the slightest quiver that they transmit. Today, instead, I’ll know that I am safe and loved and supported and just fine, fine, fine.
There’s a beautiful quote from the 14th century mystic Dame Julian of Norwich (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_of_Norwich) which goes something like this: “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.”
Amen to that, Julian. From the 21st back to you!
I like that quote! Thanks for sharing, Jamie. Yes, sometimes this deck is pretty goofy – in one of the cards (I think it was one I pulled for this blog a few days ago, the cherubs look like demon-babies!
This distinction between feeling and being safe is an important reminder, that makes a big difference, and that is not always seen or thought about.
Your welcome, Antonio 🙂