The Devil is today’s Tarot card and he prances by to tempt you with your secret desires, the fulfillment of which will not bring you the freedom that you are truly craving.
The Devil represents those addictive behaviors that are comforting to you, but ultimately keep you stuck in a negative pattern. Like boredom snacking, binge eating, smoking, procrastinating, shopping or a million other so-good-their-terrible-for-you activities.
Become aware of what these kinds of habits do for you (on a positive level) and then get crafty in finding ways to get those things in a different, more healthier way.
For example, if you like snacking on candy because perhaps that is the only tasty spot in your day, try creating more tasty spots – like eyeing up sexy young joggers at the park while you eat a healthy lunch. Or opt to go for an after dinner gossip fest/walk with a friend instead of watching TV. What juicy new habits will you be bringing into your life this week?
Today’s card really nailed it for me. Bad habits that I’ve not been able (or refusing) to shake for years now have once and for all worn out their welcome and as of this morning actually, I have taken measures to put a permanent end to them so this is really speaking to me. Thank, Kate 🙂
Good for you Mel. I am doing this as well – a really good book on the topic is “Changepower” by Meg Selig. Good luck 🙂
Thanks for the book reference, Kate. I will definitely be reading that ASAP!
Thank you Kate!!!
Your interpretation of this card is a perfect example of why I never miss your daily tarot reading, and recommend it to others.
Not only do you give a view of the issue at hand… Most importantly you give us ideas of how to “take care” “handle” “deal with” it.
What makes your readings stand out, for me, is that your suggestions are always practical, fun, interesting, useful ways for transformation.
You give us the “Magical” tools for transformation,” in simple, useful, and doable steps.
Thank You! (yes, twice)
Awww, thank you Antonio! I figure that advice has to practical and most importantly – fun. Otherwise, what is the point? I am delighted that you enjoy these readings 🙂