There is a difference between contemplation and procrastination. So are you processing things or are you stuck? The Seven of Cups Tarot card suggest you might be stuck!
So many choices, so many different paths you can take, but don’t spend forever in that glazed over, spaced out state of overwhelm and indecision. Take action!
You keep thinking that a great idea will smack you over the head eventually….but you might be waiting a while. The sooner to take some kind of action, the better. Then you will have more ideas, insights and solutions than you will know what to do with.
So what are you waiting for? Get crackin’!
Nice, Kate!
I once drew this card for a woman who wanted to know when she was going to get pregnant. And after a huge ol’ disclaimer about not being a doctor (!!!), I rephrased her question and read for “what is your best attitude or action relative to getting pregnant.”
Interestingly, I drew the Seven of Cups. The advice I gave based on this was for her to daydream–vividly–about the baby she wants to attract.
That reading was via an on-line site that I no longer read for, so I never got any follow up, but your ability to see both the positive and negative attributes of the cards just brought that story to mind.
Hearts and flowers,
Ho-ho!! After I left the reply, above, I went to do my own daily three-card draw. First card? You guessed it! Seven o’ Cups!
Ha! Now there’s no ignoring it!
That’s a great way to see the seven of cups in that situation! Love how you read that. I know, I get nervous when people ask me questions like that, too.
Greetings Kate,
Suffice to say that last night I went to bed thinking “what to do.” That today is the day of the “opener of roads” energy. I needed the “get cracking” advice.
Thank you!
Good! I am proud to say that today I am actually taking my own advice for once and taking action!
Hello Kate
I will put this advice on hold until the heat cools down. For now, I am sitting inside licking my ice cream, watching youtube, trying not to buy more decks online and waiting for lower temps.
Ellen, that is a very valid excuse. There is nothing like extreme heat to zap your energy. Ice cream, youtube and deck shopping….that sounds like a good day!
Hi Kate, I like to call this card ” pie in the sky ! ”
Thanks for this, re-inforces the fact that I need to get my act together and just do it.