Don’t give up your voice! Today’s card is the Nine of Swords from the Fairytale Tarot and The Little Mermaid is the story associated with it.
The Nine of Swords often represents regret and The Little Mermaid is about trading your voice for something (in this case, legs). If you hold back and don’t speak your truth because you think keeping silent will get you something you want, you will regret it.
No one can silence you – but you can willingly silence yourself. Don’t do it! At least, not today, anyway. Sometimes silence is best, but if it makes you feel powerless, then speak up loud and proud.
Your silence won’t have the placating effect you are hoping for anyway, so might as well speak your truth!
Okay, I’m not going to hold back; I’m just going to lay it on the line! I am SO JEALOUS that you have the Baba Studios Fairy Tale Tarot!! It’s OOP and OOR (out of reach) for me right now. But it’s one I yearn for . . . (And I’d love to see more readings with it, as seems fit to you.)
Oh. But the message? Wonderful way to talk about Nine of Swords. As always, you find the smart heart of the matter and deliver that to your appreciative readers.
Happy Wednesday,
Thanks, Jamie! Yes, this deck is gorgeous – although I have had it years and I think this is the first time I have truly read with it. I find it a tough deck to work with, mainly because i am not familiar with many of the fairytales illustrated on the cards – and I know my fairytales well, but some of them are more obscure I guess. I think there is a companion book to go with this deck and I don’t have it, but it would probably shed some light on things. I will definitely be using this deck in the future though!
Well, if it ends up being TOO tough, um, ya know, just sayin’ . . . I could “help.”
Pffft….dream on. I just looked this deck up on Amazon and its worth over 100 bucks!
I love the message, but where are the swords? Or am I a little bit blind? 🙂
Baba Studios decks don’t always include direct visual references to the suit symbols in the images themselves. But they have some fantastic decks out there in the world: Tarot of Prague, Baroque Bohemian Cats Tarot, Victorian Romantic Tarot, The Fairy Tale Tarot, and the in-process Alice Tarot. (I may be leaving out a deck or two!)
In most of them, the card reader gets the opportunity to stretch to incorporate the typical card meaning with the image they’ve assigned to the card position. It’s well worth making the stretch, as Karen Mahony of Baba Studios knows her tarot stuff and really deepens my understanding of the cards with her images.
Hope this wasn’t too much information!
No, your not blind! As Jamie mentioned this deck doesn’t feature the actual suit symbols on the cards – so there are no cups, pentacles or wands on the other cards either. Would you believe I never even noticed this until now?! This may explain why I have always struggled with this deck.
Thank you Jamie and Kate for the information! I didn’t know this deck at all! But indeed, the image is powerful.