Are you feeling a little bit “meh” about life today? The Four of Cups suggests that, despite being offered many opportunities, you just aren’t feeling the razzle-dazzle!
Part of you feels that life should be more than this. The repetitive banality of daily life is getting to you and you want a way out. Fear not!
The big thing I get from this card is that no one is going to show up and hand you passion, excitement and meaning on a silver platter. You have to find it yourself.
Do something out of the ordinary today, even if its small. Pick up a book you wouldn’t normally read, go for a walk in a different neighborhood or sign up for that class you’ve been thinking about.
This should be enough to shift your energies so you once again feel the excitement that life has to offer 🙂
So, let me see if I have this straight: Yesterday, the cards said, Be myself. Today, they say, Be myself, and stop doing stuff that’s not energizing me and feeling magical?
Just checking. Do I have that right?
; )
Yep! You’ve got it right, Jamie!
I appreciate this reading Kate. It is true, that not just today but for the past few weeks I’ve been feeling this ‘meh” or ‘blah” feeling ab out certain parts of my life. Not because I’m not grateful or happy about those parts of my life, just not in a place of wanting to make a big deal out of eveything in terms of passion. This may not make sense to anyone but me…LOL It’s like I just do what i do…and move on….I feel passion in the moment of things and then when they’re completed, the passion is gone. I really do hope this rambling makes sense.
Tameko, that makes total sense! Its interesting, because I have been hearing from quite a few people lately that they feel very “blah” about their work and life – particularly in the past month or so. Myself included. At least we’re not alone! I think people want to be able to have “predictable joy” – like finding a job or partner that will supply them with satisfaction and happiness for the long term, but that isn’t the nature of passion – like you said, it is a fleeting, in the moment thing that can’t really be captured.
Yes, what you say about today is pretty what is happening. But I don’t feel going out or doing something special. As I see in the 4 of Cups, Rider. You sit and think of what you have and what you want. Focus on what you want to be happy.
The mayan today say to celebrate your You. Be happy of who you are and what you have. And focus on who you want to be…
Beautiful words, Rogerv and excellent advice!
This is indeed a “meh”card. There’s nothing left of the possibility of meditating in the RW
So instead of doing some yoga and breathing exercises (meh) I’ll go shopping with my daughter this afternoon (Yeah)! 🙂
I think that’s a fantastic plan. I’ve never gotten much of a “meditation vibe” from the 4 of cups myself either, just more of an inert kind of being in a funk feeling. Happy Shopping 🙂
Yeah, I get a meditation vibe from 4 of swords, but four of cups is a card of mild dissatisfaction.
Thanks, we had lots of fun together!
Great message, thank you! And somehow…I just so loved your expression: “repetitive banality of daily life”! 🙂
Thanks EG! Life can sure feel that way sometimes!!!