Oracle Card Reading for Sept 28 – Oct 4

Here is your weekly forecast reading for the week ahead! I am so excited to share with you my new oracle deck – The Duality Deck by Tanya Bond….

You are welcome to share your own interpretations and insights in the comments below 🙂

Thanks for watching and have a great week!

3 thoughts on “Oracle Card Reading for Sept 28 – Oct 4”

  1. Oooooh love these cards! Purity and your meaning seemed correct to me – white means purity. I think White Lillies symbolize chastity and virtue, majesty ( virgin Mary queen of Angels). O can’t wait to see more cards from this deck!!!

  2. OMG, Kate!

    I’ve been SALIVATING for these cards. I’m so glad to see you use them. I think you can chalk up another sale! I’ve picked up so many decks after seeing you use them.

    Habits, indeed.

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