Spending Christmas alone? I envy you.

Veronica is my evil alter ego and co-author of my new workbook Your Alter Ego… Revealed!, a fun, sexy workbook that’s perfect for lazy winter afternoons.

The Housewives Tarot

Christmas is upon us… so batten down the hatches and pour yourself a stiff one!

For some this is a time of giving, generosity and helping the needy.

For others it’s a time of buying oneself lavish gifts and rolling around naked in a sea of bubble wrap. Or maybe that’s just me?

But for most people, this holiday is about boring visits with in-laws and distant relatives you don’t give a shit about. Well, at least you can get drunk.

A few years ago I spent Christmas alone. I slept in, ate a box of chocolate seashells for breakfast, watched 21 Jump Street and did go-go dance aerobics dvds. It was the perfect day.

So if you’re spending Christmas alone this weekend, don’t fall prey to all those sappy do-gooders who invite you to their Christmas dinner out of pity. Bleh! You know what to do…

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9 thoughts on “Spending Christmas alone? I envy you.”

  1. I started a new knitting project. Yes I have four events in two days – but I’ll knit right through a good portion of them!

  2. Christina (Tina) Bott

    My husband and I will be alone Christmas Day with our 2 dogs and 2 cats (all rescues) and it will be perfect for us ! For the first time in 37 years of marriage it will be a lazy, peaceful day.

  3. Omg! Your Christmas day spent alone sounds heavenly! I’m a hermit by nature so with all the visits coming up I’ve worked myself into knots! If I spent this day alone I would take a bath with tons of Lush products, drink lavish coffee and stay in a fuzzy robe all day! Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays 🙂

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