Tarot Reading for March 16 – 22

I don’t know about you, but it’s pandemonium where I live – insane grocery store lineups, no toilet paper, etc. Everyone’s ramping up for impending closures and disaster and it feels a bit apocalyptic.

Whenever I feel overwhelmed by stuff like this, I just look at my cats – they don’t give a sh*t about anything! Not a care in the world! But if you don’t have cats, hopefully this Tarot reading (using the Spacious Tarot) will help calm your mind a bit….

Take care of yourself and stay healthy,

5 thoughts on “Tarot Reading for March 16 – 22”

  1. Hi Kate, great reading as always. Wow – you have hit the nail squarely on the head, I think. The Lovers show that the way to go this week is to blend strength and groundedness (Elder of Pentacles) with wisdom, smarts and information (Elder of Swords). At least that’s my takeaway. Stop panicking and get information!
    This is a beautiful deck – the imagery is simple, but way deep. I think this is one of my favourite interpretations of the Lovers, a card that I know is powerful and profound, but which I frankly do not care for. Kinda annoyed by it, usually. I love your perspective of DNA, especially in this case.
    Speaking of panic, I went to the grocery store in my area first thing this morning. They were completely out of dishwashing soap and eggs. Eggs? I’ve decided that a group of urban witches are working on a new spell 🙂
    Thank you again, Kate! You and yours stay healthy!

    1. Thank you Sharon for sharing your take on the Lovers card – I like it! Yes, I heard there was going to be an egg shortage from someone who works in a grocery store – why, I have no idea! I like your witch theory, though 🙂

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