Tarot Reading for March 30 – April 5

Before I get into this week’s Tarot reading, I want to let you know I’ll be live on my YouTube channel on Wed, April 1st at 12 Noon PDT – the live event is called How to Read Tarot During Stressful Times.

I’ll be sharing my best Tarot reading tips on how to read for yourself (or others) about intense and stressful topics. You can find the live event right here (a replay will be available)- hope to see you there 🙂

Hope you are well and having a good week 🙂

6 thoughts on “Tarot Reading for March 30 – April 5”

  1. Hi Kate! Sending you “wellness wishes”…
    only other thing I get from the cards is the AoW – looks like “he” is looking at the Big Picture, up looking out – over – all…

  2. Ace of swords talks to me about ideas coming more clear to you and the need to focus and put your effort into working on them . If you do, you will be very creative, with ideas that will be very fruitful by the middle of the week. You can get inspiration from nature at this point, also beneficial with its healing energy during these isolation times. Also by the middle of the week you should use the nurturing energy of the empress to watch over loved ones. ( from I=you, to III = group). So the isolation will help bring lots of ideas, and you can share some of these with others.. By the end of the week you will get another flush of ideas of a more spiritual nature…The repeating ones I III I besides being a number of illumination, state the need to self isolate but also to reach others in a balancing act…

  3. Please stay healthy Kate! You bring such light into the world! We would miss you’re friendly voice! I am sending you healing Reiki and prayers! May God watch over you and yours (including the cats!!).
    I agreed with you and your reading that beginning and end of the week would be encouraging us to action and the middle of the week allowing those ideas to percolate for a while!
    Love, Light and Blessings,
    Nancy Pianfetti

    1. Thank you Nancy 🙂 I am doing well. I’ve been taking my ginseng and echinacea and it seems to be keeping my symptoms at bay – I can feel my body is fighting something so i’m just taking it easy and feel pretty good 🙂

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