Sexy Summer Tarot Spread

Summer is almost here (only 5 days away!) and since last Summer was kind of heavy and drab, I have high expectations for this Summer.

I’ve spent the last 12 months pumping iron in my basement like I’m training for the apocalypse. To reward myself, I bought myself a scandalously skimpy bikini that I actually plan to wear… in public (!)

And I realized I was craving a Summer themed Tarot spread that was fun, lighthearted and a little bit sexy, so I came up with this…

Download this spread

In the comments below, let me know: what are you most looking forward to this Summer?

10 thoughts on “Sexy Summer Tarot Spread”

  1. Looking forward to hearing live music this summer! Really missed attending concerts last year. 😎

  2. gregg ballatore

    My summer has begun, out with the old in with new. New people, reading and healing, expanding abilities, new adventures, boondocking seaside, and spreading a higher vibe to change the world!

  3. congratulations on getting ready for summer fun! I’m definitely going to try this spread! Things gotta improve this year! 🙂

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