Tarot spreads

The Best 3 Card Tarot Spread….Ever!

I love a good 3 card Tarot spread and this one is quickly becoming one of my faves. You can use this Tarot spread for a general reading, for a specific question or to look into a specific area of your life (like love, career or spirituality).

*TIP for Tarot Rebels: if you can’t stand the confining nature of Tarot spreads, don’t use this spread as a spread – instead, ask your deck “what cards do I need to see?” and draw 3 cards….then, look for the “mirror card”, the “challenge” card and the “helper” card. Trust me, they’ll be there!

So make yourself a cup of tea, give your Tarot deck a shuffle and have fun with this spread.
As always, Happy Tarot Reading ♥
Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

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Valentine’s Day Tarot Spread for Lovers (of Life!)

Whether you’re single, married, dating, happily coupled up, or couldn’t care less about any of this, I’ve made this Valentine’s Day Tarot Spread for YOU!!!!

No matter what your Valentine’s Day plans are, I’m inviting you on a hot date….with your Tarot deck!

Light the candles, make a drinky-poo and get ready to learn how to add some sizzle to your day, how to really get into your body and pamper yourself right and then radiate all the ooey-gooey love energy outward, to other people, plants, animals and the planet itself! YESSSSSS!!!!

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New Year Tarot Spread….for 2024!!!!

New year. New YOU. New spread!

A new year is the perfect time to go all out and try a big, splashy Tarot spread like the one below…so brew up some hot coffee, light ALL the candles and stinky incense and put on some psy-trance drumming music (or is that just me?) and let’s dive in…

I’ll be posting my 2024 Tarot Forecast reading very soon (using this spread!)….so stay tuned ♥

Wishing you all the good things in 2024 🙂

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Holiday Tarot Spread

The holidays are upon us! Time to stuff your face, hang out with annoying family members and buy a bunch of shit no one needs.

But it doesn’t have to be like that! You can also truly enjoy this festive season, have MORE fun than last year and take time to relax. Impossible you say? Don’t worry, this spread will show you how….


I’m super nosy, so I want to know, what card did you get for “GLOW – what lights you up?” – tell me in the comments below!

Happy Holidays ♥
Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

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Witch’s New Year Tarot Spread

October 31 st has always felt to me like the real New Years. There’s something about the crisp Fall air and dead leaves that make me want to sort my cupboards, de-clutter all my spaces, revamp myself and just get my life sorted out for once!

So I’ve created a new Tarot spread for all you witchy people out there, who like to do your goal setting and life planning in October. This spread is a little more involved than my other spreads, because it requires you to do some contemplating and journalling beforehand – but trust me, the extra effort is well worth it ♥

So cuddle up with a cup of tea, your Tarot journal and your deck of Tarot cards and let’s get into it…

In the comments below, tell me ONE thing you want to banish and ONE thing you want to manifest or welcome into your life this year…


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Wild Summer Tarot Spread

I want to tell you something I haven’t told anyone yet….this Summer I want to be WILD!

Reading historical romance novels on the beach? BORING!

Sipping iced tea on the porch while I eavesdrop on my neighbours. Did that last Summer.

Go hiking again with friends? Snoooooze!

This Summer I want to dance ecstatically in the forest with the mosquitoes! I want go skinny dipping in a phosphorescence filled ocean! I want to write some unhinged poetry! I want to have weird conversations with strangers, pet ALL the neighbourhood cats, paint a huge canvas with juicy bright colours AND maybe even astral project into another dimension!

Will I do any of this stuff? Who knows?

But one wild thing I KNOW I will try is my new Wild Summer Tarot Spread. And I hope you do too!

Download this spread!


In the comments below, tell me…what wild things do you long to do this Summer?

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What Kind of a Tarot Reader Are You?

Did you know that every Tarot reader has a distinct Tarot reading personality?

Some readers read with a tell-it-like-it-is bravado while others are adept at gently holding a space for their querent. Some readers love to be dramatic while some are more laid back. Some readers love to inject humour into their readings while some prefer to exude a more therapeutic, self-helpy vibe.

I created this Tarot spread to help you explore your Tarot reading personality, discover your special reading gifts and identify areas that need a little work. So make yourself a cup of tea, give your deck a shuffle and give this spread a go!

Download this spread HERE


♥ Let me know in the comments below… what card sums up your Tarot reader personality and why?

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New Years 2023 Tarot Spread!

New year, new spread! Here’s my Tarot spread for the year ahead….

The start of a new year is always a special time to do a reading (it’s up there with Halloween and Birthday readings!) and it’s a great time to get clear on what you want to focus on, change, create, release and explore in the upcoming year.

So make a pot of tea, give your deck a shuffle and let’s get to it!

Download PDF

There are
two ways to use this spread:

Method #1 

Do the spread as is and after you’ve turned all the cards over and read them, go through your deck and consciously choose a Tarot card that you’d like to embody throughout the year.

You can place this card (or images of this card) around your living and working space and it will act as a reminder of what you’d like to focus on this year.

Method #2 

Instead of pulling a card for the first card position what will I create this year?, ask yourself what do I want to create this year? and journal about it.

Once you’re clear on it, ask your deck what will help me do this? Draw one card. Then, ask what could get in the way? Draw a second card. Move on to the next one – ask what do I want to explore this year? and repeat the same process.

*You will do this for all the card positions in the spread except for these two: what will help me the most? and what could get in the way? – for these you can just draw one card to answer the question.

At the end, consciously choose a Tarot card that you’d like to embody throughout the year. This card will represent your ideal self in 2023.

Wishing you a Happy New Year and all the best in 2023

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New Halloween Tarot Spread!

Things got a little wild while I was doodling on my ipad the other night and I ended up creating a brand new, sexy Halloween Tarot Spread…

Print this spread (PDF version)

Halloween always feels like New Years to me – a chance to start fresh and set new intentions. It’s also a good excuse to bust out my Tarot deck and do one of those in-depth readings where I light candles, lay out crystals and get super witchy!

Hope your Halloween is cozy, magical and full of Tarot adventures 🙂



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Sexy Summer Tarot Spread

Summer is almost here (only 5 days away!) and since last Summer was kind of heavy and drab, I have high expectations for this Summer.

I’ve spent the last 12 months pumping iron in my basement like I’m training for the apocalypse. To reward myself, I bought myself a scandalously skimpy bikini that I actually plan to wear… in public (!)

And I realized I was craving a Summer themed Tarot spread that was fun, lighthearted and a little bit sexy, so I came up with this…

Download this spread

In the comments below, let me know: what are you most looking forward to this Summer?

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