Wheel of Fortune – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

Welcome to part 10 of my 22 part Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series – each week we explore ONE major arcana card and uncover it’s secrets, symbols and messages.

Today we’re diving into Wheel of Fortune – a card of movement, cycles, change and luck!

Grab your Tarot journal, pen and a mug of something hot and delicious…..

Keywords: change, cycles, ups and downs, good fortune, unpredictability, impermanence, centering

Symbols: wheel, snake (evil), red guy (Hermanubis = good), sphinx = wisdom

Dark side: history repeating itself, good times don’t last forever

1) Change

Wheel of Fortune reminds us that everything is always in flux, always changing and never permanent. Nothing is EVER forever!

Impermanence doesn’t equal meaninglessness – it’s the opposite. Your current life situation (relationships, job, limitations) are like a bunch of mini portals that will only be open for a limited time. While they are open,  certain experiences, learning and growth will be available to you, allowing you to honour and make the most of your current situation.

Journalling Questions:

♥ What is your relationship to change like? When was the last BIG change in your life and how did you handle it?

♥ When you consider the impermanence of everything, how does this effect how you live your life?

2) Cycles

The wheel on Wheel of Fortune goes round and round, reminding us that the nature of life is cyclical. Think of the moon phases, seasons and day/night cycles. In life, there are times of prosperity, peace and joy and times of lack, conflict and misery. Life is a series of ups and downs and each go round is an opportunity for growth, learning and wisdom.

Journalling Questions:

♥ Think of a negative change that led to a positive change and vice versa.

♥ What cycles do you experience most often? What have you learned from them?

3) Centering

Being centred within yourself is the key to remaining calm and powerful during all the ups and downs and chaos that life inevitably brings. Being centred allows you to be in the eye of the storm, observing all the action without being swept up in it.

Wheel of Fortune reminds us that if we stay centred, we can face any challenge and make decisions from a place of power, instead of from a place of intensity and fear.

Journalling Questions:

♥ What does being “centred” feel like for you? How do you know when your centred?

♥ What helps you stay centred?

♥ What takes you out of your centre?

The Wisdom of Wheel of Fortune

Change is constant, nothing is permanent, find your centre so you can be in the world and experience it, without being consumed by it.

Let me know in the comments below…Did you enjoy this exercise? Did you learn anything new about Wheel of Fortune? Or about yourself?

I’m taking a little break from this series for the rest of the month, but I’ll be back in January, ready to dive into Justice!

You can find all my previous Tarot Meanings Deep Dives right here!

3 thoughts on “Wheel of Fortune – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive”

  1. This is a very powerful message. The world, it’s cycles and our own personal cycles are in constant motion, whether we realize it while it’s happening or not. Being aware of change and being centered is the best way to get the most out of life. An important message in this video. It provided a much better understanding of The Wheel of Fortune.

  2. Thanks, Kate for another insightful and inspirational video! I’ve really enjoyed your interpretation of the card, and what I’ve found really helpful is the lesson of the card that it’s important to be in the world but not be of it. I’ve found the idea of finding our center really helpful and eye-opening. Real food for thought. For me, what makes me centered is spirituality. Once I realized that I’m a spiritual being, I’ve stopped being pulled by the vagaries of everyday life, and especially micropolitics and negativity. Cause I’ve come to realize that there is more to life than these comings and goings.

    Have a Nice Christmas and look forward to your next video!

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