tarot card meanings

Page of Wands – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

***Pssst! I made something for you! Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

Welcome to part 12 of my 16 part series Meet the Court Cards – each week we will hang out with ONE court card and dive deeply into the symbols, personality traits, talents and dark side. This is similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Dive series, but we’ll also explore how each court card acts in the context of love, work and money.

I’ll give you specific ways to embody this card as well as some journalling questions to help you connect with this card on a more personal level.

Let’s dive into the Page of Wands he’s energetic, inspired and learning how to cultivate and focus his energy and discover his life’s work.

Sit back, relax and discover the personality, meanings and secret symbols of this Page…

Element = Fire (passion, energy, action, transformation)

Keywords/Personality Traits

Curious, learning, energetic, excited, inspired, passionate, enthusiastic, wants to DO (action oriented), transformation obsessed, focused on “life purpose”


pyramids = energy directors

red feather in his cap = achievement

staff = magic wand, energy direction tool

green leaves (on staff) = growth, newness

desert + goofy boots = he’s at Burning Man! He’s a real festival-goer!


The Page of Wands can get really excited about his passions and interests and once he figures out how to best use his energy, he’s a powerhouse!

He thinks outside the box and isn’t afraid of a challenge or an adventure. He doesn’t really know what a “comfort zone” is and he can transform things just by putting his attention on them.

The Page of Wand’s Mission:

His divine mission is to find his life’s purpose! Discovering and then living his life’s purpose is how he connects with spirit and it’s finding the right line of work or being able to channel his creativity into meaningful projects that brings him closer to God.

His task is to learn how to build, focus and best use his energy to transform things. Once he finds his abilities, talents and yearnings and weaves it into a career, he’s able to truly offer his unique brilliance to his community.

But he won’t find his path by sitting around! He must get out there, take action and DO stuff to find his way…

At a Party…

The party doesn’t really start until the Page of Wands arrives! He can transform the energy of a gathering just by showing up – he’s fun, bright, chatty and entertaining and knows how to make people laugh. He can turn a dull, boring get together into a lively giggle-fest in an instant!

In work…

As long as he feels challenged or if is given something to transform, he’s all in, but if he’s in a boring, low skill job he flounders and turns sour. His go-getter attitude only exists if there’s actually something to get, otherwise his most irritating characteristics begin to emerge.

Since he’s a bit of a Renaissance man, he needs to have a few things on the go. A job that allows him to flit around from one thing to another is ideal. He has so much energy and many different talents and interests so being forced to do just one, narrow task all day long will be suffocating for him.

In love…

The Page of Wands is a fun and exciting guy to date, but he’s young and not really ready for anything serious just yet. He’s more interested in things like travel, career, adventures and having a good time than he is in relationships.

If he can find someone who is in the same place as him, it can work out, but he’s not ready to marry or settle down or commit in any real way just yet.

In Money…

For a Page, he’s not bad with money. He prefers spending money on experiences rather than things and doesn’t really care about things like status all that much. Ironically, this urge to follow his passions can often lead to wealth and status, but that’s never really his goal.

Since he’s learning how to manage his energy (and money IS energy), he’s bound to make some money mistakes here and there, but isn’t a hot mess like some of the other Pages.

He Thrives on…

Travel, exploring new places and experiences all help him learn about himself and nudge him closer to discovering his life’s purpose.

As a renaissance man, the Page of Wands loves channelling his energy into multiple projects and hobbies. He loves being challenged, going on adventures and having to figure things out by trial and error.

He can’t stand…

Not having a “purpose” or being in a work situation where he can’t use his creativity or special talents. He absolutely needs to feel like things have a purpose or he will become disillusioned.

If he’s stuck in a relationship or job that has no room for growth, he’ll either jump ship or become miserable. He’s a dynamic character and he won’t stand for being tied down to just one thing!

His worst nightmare is a boring, predictable life where everything is laid out and planned with nothing new to be discovered.

Dark Side…

If he can’t transform things, he will destroy things! He has a lot of energy and it needs to flow – if that flow is blocked or stunted, he can become a real problem. Think vandalism and mischief.

If he mismanages his energy by taking on too many projects at once or directing his energy into the wrong things, he can get burnt out and is prone to throwing childish tantrums.

What does it MEAN?

When the Page of Wands appears in your Tarot reading, it can indicate that your career and “life’s work” is important right now – take your time figuring things out and learning about yourself. You won’t find your path if you don’t know yourself, so start there.

You may also need to learn how to build, maintain and direct your energy in a way that enhances your life. So what drains your energy? What feeds it? How can you put it into the things that matter to you?

This Page tells you that you won’t figure anything out just by sitting around – so get out and DO something! Take ACTION and ideas, clarity and confidence will flow to you.

Page of Wands Reversed

You might be struggling to find your life’s purpose or a sense of direction. Perhaps you’ve been mismanaging your energy and allowing it to drain away or channelling it into unimportant tasks. You may also be feeling frozen in place, unable to move forward or take any kind of action.

Keep reading to find out how to move through this phase…

Embody it…

-Take some time to explore yourself (what lights you up? What excites and energizes you? What are you curious about? What do you want to pour your energy into?) as this will give you clarity on your path.

Explore your own energy (how you use it, what builds it up, what drains it) – mastering your own energy is the key to success!

Learn my doing (don’t just stand there…bust a move!) – put down the books and get outside. It’s through experience and interactions that you will become inspired, get ideas and grow.

Journalling Questions:

♥ What aspects of the Page of Wands do you relate to?

♥ Where are you on your path to discovering your “life purpose”? How do you want to share your energy with the world?

♥ What is your relationship to energy? What drains it? What feeds it? How can you best direct it at this time?

Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this deep dive? What aspect of the Page of Wands do you most relate to? Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next time as I dive into the King of Pentacles – he’s grounded, sensible and successful but loooooves to indulge in earthly pleasures of the flesh!  Hop on my mailing list so you won’t miss out!

***Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

You may also enjoy…

Court Card Tarot Meanings
Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series (Major Arcana)

Page of Wands – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More »

The 3 Tarot cards that keep appearing in my readings

So far this year, there have been 3 Tarot cards that stand out. These 3 Tarot cards have shown up again and again in my readings for clients and for myself. They all have a powerful message and they REALLY want to be seen and heard!

Whenever this happens, I feel like the cards are showing me a collective energy that we’re all experiencing in some way. It’s fascinating stuff – so grab your popcorn and lets dive in!

The Page of Cups

This little dude is the #1 most frequent card to appear in my readings this year. Out of all the people I read for in January, The Page of Cups appeared in over 30% of them (yes, I did the math!).

The Light Seer’s Tarot

That’s pretty significant.

I think we ALL need to see this card right now. It’s saying “stop taking life so seriously!” and to:

  • Make room for more PLAY in your life
  • Learn a creative skill that feels FUN for you (like doing messy paintings or writing steamy romantasy stories)
  • Explore your intuitive/psychic side in a curious, adventurous way
  • Don’t be afraid to indulge your heart’s desires

Approaching life in a playful, Page of Cups way will help us crank up the dial on brilliant ideas, creative flow and psychic experiences. And I’m here for it!

Ten of Swords

This is the second most common Tarot card to pop up in my readings this year – not exactly everyone’s favourite card 😉 But it shows that in so many ways, we’re feeling like we’re at the end of our rope and our outlook on things is….well, kind of bleak.

The Light Seer’s Tarot

The Ten of Swords is all about feeling:

  • Totally defeated by life, like you just want to give up and throw in the towel
  • Feeling betrayed in some way (maybe even a mild feeling of this isn’t what I signed up for)
  • Ready to just be DONE with something already (like you are so over it and ready to move on)
  • The need for healing – there are wounds that need your care and attention ♥

As a collective, I think this is something we’ll all be grappling with throughout the year, in one form or another. But it’s okay, we can do it!

The Hanged Man

This is such a fascinating card! Its appeared in roughly 25% of the readings I’ve given so far this year. I think it’s shows that we’re all facing some frustrations right now – things might not be panning out the way you hoped they would and maybe nothing you do seems to really move the needle.

However, opportunities for spiritual awakening are around every corner this year and you might find them in the most unlikely of places.

The Light Seer’s Tarot

When you’re stuck, The Hanged Man tells you to:

  • Journey inward to find new ideas, answers and support (deep meditation, psychedelic journeys, and journalling all come to mind)
  • Stop trying to “transform” your life – transform yourself instead
  • Hang out for a bit, it’s okay to be stuck – the more you fight it, the more entangled you become
  • Play around with changing your “inner landscape” – thoughts, feelings, mindset – before taking action

It’s interesting to me that these 3 cards have been the most prevalent so far this year, because together they paint a picture.

Being playful and open hearted like the Page of Cups becomes difficult when you’re facing the exhaustion and pain of the Ten of Swords or when you’re feeling powerless and stuck like The Hanged Man.

But it’s the Page of Cups that will save the day ♥ If you’re feeling like the Ten of Swords or Hanged Man right now, making time to just play with paint or to write something smutty might be just what you need to shift your energy and change the story. So what does making time to just PLAY mean to you?

What about YOU? Have you been getting these cards, too? Or have you been getting different repeat cards? Tell me all about it in the comments below…

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The 3 Tarot cards that keep appearing in my readings Read More »

Page of Cups – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

***Pssst! I made something for you! Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

Welcome to part 11 of my 16 part series Meet the Court Cards – each week we will hang out with ONE court card and dive deeply into the symbols, personality traits, talents and dark side. This is similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Dive series, but we’ll also explore how each court card acts in the context of love, work and money.

I’ll give you specific ways to embody this card as well as some journalling questions to help you connect with this card on a more personal level.

Let’s dive into the Page of Cups he’s sensitive, artsy fartsy, free-spirited and loves a good romantic disaster!

Sit back, relax and discover the personality, meanings and secret symbols of this Page

Element = Water (emotions, feelings, relationships)

Keywords/Personality Traits

Creative, artsy, sensitive, intuitive, naive, bright eyed and bushy tailed, feels emotions fully and strongly, go with the flow, happy to float along, sees opportunities everywhere, easily inspired, loves to express himself emotionally through the arts, feelings shift and change like the tides, daydreamer.


rolling waves = flow, instability, emotional depths

blue = same as water, unconscious

fish in cup = inspiration, gift, imagination, messenger

posture (hand on hip) = confidence

lotus flowers (on tunic) = connection to the Earth

fancy hat = upper class, life of comfort


The Page of Cups excels in the creative realms, like acting, singing, poetry, writing, dancing and visual art. These all act as vehicles for his emotional expression, allowing him to express himself in a beautiful way. Whatever he creates is sure to make other’s hearts sing!

This Page is a cosmic daydreamer, whose not afraid to let his mind wander freely. He’s in love with life itself and finds inspiration in the everyday, mundane stuff.

At a Party…

The Page of Cups is often the life of the party, telling stories and captivating his audience. His love of acting and drama really shine in a party setting, as he comes alive in front of an audience and is just naturally entertaining.

His sensitivity means he’s good at reading the room and behaving accordingly and he’s equally comfortable at large parties or intimate gatherings.

In work…

While the Page of Cups is dedicated to learning his craft, he’ll quickly lose interest in projects that don’t allow him full expression of his creative side. He gets bored easily and typically has at least two or three different “gigs” at any given time.

His artistic passions don’t provide much income in the beginning, so he usually has part time service jobs like waiter or bartender, but always something that allows him to be social and charming!

In love…

This is where ALL the action happens for the Page of Cups! He’s exceedingly romantic and charming, able to connect emotionally and feel his feelings fully BUT… his feelings tend to change like the tides and so one moment he may be head over heels for someone but the next minute he’s head over heels for someone else!

While he’s in touch with his feelings, he’s eternally flummoxed by them as they tend to change from one moment to the next without any warning. Sure, he knows his feelings well, but he has no idea WHY he feels the way he feels.

Plenty of short lived flings and romances litter his romantic path –  he easily develops intense crushes and infatuations which inspire him creatively but evaporate just as quick.

Despite his emotionally flaky nature, he’s on good terms with nearly all his ex’s. So while he may be foolish in love, he’s always kind and respectful, so there’s rarely any bad blood.

In Money…

The Page of Cups is not great with money because he truly doesn’t care about it. He wants freedom, not money, but hasn’t yet learned that having money can give a certain kind of freedom.

He tends to be comfortable financially, usually due to the support of family or a sexy benefactor – he may hook up with an older woman who finances his artsy lifestyle for a bit, in exchange for occasional “companionship”.

But all gigolo vibes aside, he has a magical way of attracting benefactors and support, so that the starving artist label rarely ever applies to him.

This Page Thrives on…

Being in a social environment like university, a festival, communal living or theatre group. He prefers an audience and he likes to socialize.

He loves being in an artsy environment with other creatives with the freedom to do as he wishes and few responsibilities to tie him down. The more open, free and non-judgmental the space, the more he likes it.

He can’t stand…

Feeling tied down or limited in any way. If the Page of Cups is not allowed to express himself fully or if he’s forced to conform in any way, he’ll be miserable! Rigid schedules and rules just don’t work for him and uptight, judgy people aren’t his thing.

Dark Side of the Page of Cups

Well, he’s flaky! His feelings change from one moment to the next, hurting many romantic partners along the way, but there’s no malice here.

The Page of Cups flits around from one place to the next looking for “inspiration”, giving up on projects, relationships and goals too quickly, making him pretty unreliable at times. He’s young, naive and not very aware of how his flakiness effects others or how his daydreamy optimism that isn’t grounded in reality can be annoying.

But remember! He’s learning – learning how to be in relationship with another, how to express his emotions, how to tap into his creative and sensitive side and how to manage his powerful emotions and feelings that tend to change moment to moment. He’ll get it all figured out eventually, but until then he’ll annoy a lot of people!


Embody it…

-Combine your love of learning with your creative side! Learn a new artistic skill – take a creative writing workshop or a painting class, dabble in acting or dancing – whatever lights you up!

-Spend an afternoon daydreaming by the beach

-Grab a sketch book and take a walk to an unfamiliar part of town that you rarely visit and quickly sketch whatever inspires you.

What does it MEAN?

Inspiration is everywhere! If you look at the world around you through the fresh, young eyes of the Page of Cups, you’re bound to have your creativity sparked and new ideas and opportunities will flow from there.

This Page’s appearance is an invitation to get in touch with your feelings, express yourself fearlessly and fully engage your creative side.

Journalling Questions:

♥ Do you know anyone like this Page?

♥ What aspects of this Page do you relate to?

♥ What creative pursuits interest you the most right now?

Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this deep dive? What aspect of the Page of Cups do you most relate to? Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next time as I dive into the Page of Wands he’s zesty, adventurous, energetic and going places!  Hop on my mailing list so you won’t miss out!

***Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

You may also enjoy…

Court Card Tarot Meanings
Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series (Major Arcana)


Page of Cups – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More »

Page of Swords – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

***Pssst! I made something for you! Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

Welcome to part 10 of my 16 part series Meet the Court Cards – each week we will hang out with ONE court card and dive deeply into the symbols, personality traits, talents and dark side. This is similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Dive series, but we’ll also explore how each court card acts in the context of love, work and money.

I’ll give you specific ways to embody this card as well as some journalling questions to help you connect with this card on a more personal level.

Today we’re diving into the Page of Swords– the most turbulent and troubled young court card!

Sit back, relax and discover the hidden meanings, messages and symbols of this Page


Element = Air (mind/intellect/communication)

Keywords/Personality traits:

Unstable, flighty, struggling, high mental energy, low attention span, hyperactive mind, hasn’t mastered anything yet, melancholy, low self confidence, insecure.



unstable ground = trying to find his footing in a constantly shifting world

clouds = mental confusion, gloomy outlook

wind = changing environment, instability

foot placement = unsure of himself

posture (looking over shoulder) = distracted, mistrust, doubting self



Even though he’s a bit of a mini-disaster, the Page of Swords has a witty streak and can be quite funny, making you laugh unexpectedly with his dark humour.

He’s intelligent and has tons of ideas even if he hasn’t a clue as to how to direct his mental energy (yet!). His unpredictable nature keeps everyone guessing – what will he do next?! they all wonder.

One thing to note about this Page is that he’s got LOTS of problems – most of them self created. But it’s through navigating these problems and dilemmas that he learns about himself and grows. As he gets older, he creates less drama for himself, but his teen years are rough.


At a party…

You’ll probably find him binge drinking because his girlfriend just dumped him and he’s upset. Always in some sort of crisis, the Page of Swords really brings the drama!

If he’s not doing that, he’s making others laugh with his gallows humour and searing witt!


In work…

He waffles between being unemployed and having short lived jobs, as he has a hard time focusing and gets distracted easily. Truthfully, the Page of Swords is a nightmare employee and he’s the most likely Page to display mental instability and drug issues.

You might find him doing drugs in the lunchroom or stealing stuff. He’ll freak out if faced with even a tiny bit of criticism and he simply won’t take direction of any kind.


In love…

The Page of Sword’s relationships are always a disaster, characterized by instability and insecurity. He may engage in short flings or volatile on and off again relationships with equally unstable people, but occasionally he’ll attract a martyr type who longs to “fix” him and he’ll mistreat them accordingly.

If he does manage to find a good match, his many insecurities will quickly erode the relationship as he tends to devolve into possessive, controlling and paranoid behaviour.


In money….

Well, he’s not so hot in this area either! He’s pretty bad with money as he spends recklessly and never seems to have any. He might spend his cash on stupid stuff to boost his ego and give him a sense of self.

Remember! As this Page matures, he gets most things figured out, but in his youth he really struggles.


This Page thrives on…

A stable environment, rules, structure and a reliable schedule. With the right support, mentorship and guidance he can mitigate his troublesome traits and become a more stable, happy version of himself.

The Page of Swords does best with mentors who are assertive, have strong boundaries and are not too permissive (think King and Queen of Swords). Otherwise, he’ll just walk all over them.

Planning ahead, having a strategy and some guidelines will do wonders for him, but he needs help doing this, as he’s not self-motivated in this area and will quickly become overwhelmed.


He can’t stand…

Being saddled with too many responsibilities! He will quickly become unhinged and stressed out. He needs to do one task at a time and learn to focus his mind.

His particular dislikes tend to fluctuate with his phases and whims, meaning that one moment he may despise something and next day feel totally different. However, he’s guaranteed to be bothered by anything that makes him feel more insecure than he already does.


Dark side of the Page of Swords

He’s often overcome with melancholy, anxiety, depression and an overactive, stressed out mind. He lacks self confidence and this can cause him to say jerky things to people and come across as a bit mean.

This Page can be dishonest and unethical, often trying to be someone he’s not. BUT – he’s not a bad person at his core, he’s just figuring stuff out. He’s confused about who his is but as he learns about himself and makes tons of mistakes along the way, he eventually grows into a better version of himself.


Practices to embody this card:

-find habits, routines, mentors and other support structures that will help create stability in your life.

-nurture your mental health and mental stability


What does it MEAN?

When the Page of Swords shows up in a reading, it can show that you’re feeling kind of unstable or unsure of yourself. It can be an invitation to create more stability in your life, support your mental health and focus on getting to know yourself better and developing more confidence and self trust.

This Page can also indicate a need to improve your communication skills and mental focus in order to thrive.


Journalling Questions:

♥ Do you know anyone like this Page?

♥ What aspects of this Page do you relate to?

♥ How can you nurture your mental stability and mental focus? What routines, habits and support systems help you with this?


Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this deep dive? What aspect of the Page of Swords do you most relate to? Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next time as I dive into the Page of Cups the free wheeling, artsy fartsy dreamer with a penchant for over-the-top romances. I can’t wait! Hop on my mailing list so you won’t miss out!

***Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

You may also enjoy…

Court Card Tarot Meanings
Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series (Major Arcana)

Page of Swords – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More »

Knight of Wands – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

***Pssst! I made something for you ? Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

Welcome to part 8 of my 16 part series Meet the Court Cards – each week we will hang out with ONE court card and dive deeply into the symbols, personality traits, talents and dark side. This is similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Dive series, but we’ll also explore how each court card acts in the context of love, work and money.

I’ll give you specific ways to embody this card as well as some journalling questions to help you connect with this card on a more personal level ?

Let’s dive into the Knight of Wands – the most adventurous and daring Knight of them all! This guy craves a quest – a sense of purpose and an opportunity to explore. But if he’s deprived of that…watch out!

Sit back, relax and discover the dark secrets, bright wisdom and special talents of this Knight

Element = fire (spirit, passion, energy, action)

Keywords/Personality Traits

Adventurous, inspired, energetic, creative, competitive, dynamic, loves a challenge or quest, goal oriented, world traveller, passionate, craves change and movement, he’s an Indiana Jones type of character.


pyramids = energy directing

desert = his warm and fiery energy

Red/Orange = power, fire, will (chakras)

salamanders = “immortality, rebirth, passion, and the ability to withstand flames”

Red feather in helmet = a feather in your cap

staff/wand = energy directing

Horse (active) = taking action, movement


The Knight of Wands is adventurous and fearlessly follows his passion! He’s good at solving mysteries, completing quests and slaying dragons. He’s always up for a challenge and doesn’t really have a “comfort zone” – he’s at ease flying by the seat of his pants and galavanting around unfamiliar territory.

Best of all, this Knight knows exactly how to direct his fiery energy into important tasks, projects and quests. He has unlimited energy and drive when it comes to things he’s personally inspired by or interested in.

At a Party…

He’s fun, talkative and lively but won’t stay long if the crowd is boring. It’s likely he knows of several parties happening at any given time, so he has no reason to hang out somewhere dull! He has a wide social circle and loves having friends from all walks of life.

He loves to dance and play games like charades and certain board games and also loves a good costume party. His dramatic flair of the Knight of Wands will surprise you!

In work…

The Knight of Wands won’t last long in a “normal” job. He’s best suited to something challenging, adventurous and quest-like. He thrives in jobs like investigative journalist, war correspondent, documentary film maker, spy, tour guide to off-the-beaten-path destinations, detective, private investigator – basically anything with an exciting mission.

Throw him in any highly challenging situation and he’ll find a way to make the most of it.

In love…

The Knight of Wands isn’t really a relationship guy because he longs for adventure, challenge and newness. He finds the “quest” phase of a relationship thrilling and will take his lovers on all kinds of wonderful dates but has a hard time settling down (at least when he’s young).

He’s married to adventure and loves having new experiences and traversing new territory, so being in a committed relationship feels stifling to him. That being said, he’ll seek out a partner that can keep up with his adventurous side and who loves travel as much as he does.

He’s a very exciting character to date – he’s passionate and thrilling in all the right ways and comes off as worldly and experienced. But he seeks to conquer and sees love as a conquest, a dragon to be slayed. He isn’t really sure what to do once he’s “won” his prize, so his relationships tend to burn out and fizzle after the initial excitement has worn off. But he gets better at this as he ages.

In Money…

This Knight isn’t always practical or thrifty and tends to fly by the seat of his pants and not plan ahead. He’ll often waffle between having no money at all to suddenly (usually by luck) receiving a windfall, like an inheritance, gambling winnings or landing a high paying freelance gig, only to lose it all again later. He has a feast or famine mentality that would drive most people nuts, but he’s fine with it.

He Thrives on…

A sense of purpose + an opportunity for adventure and exploration.

Adventure, challenge and going on a “quest”. Give him a treasure to find, a mystery to solve or a secret to unearth – the more impossible the task or mission is, the better!

He loves a change of scenery and is his best self when surrounded by new things, places and people to discover.

He can’t stand…

Being stuck in one place! Monotony, sameness, routine and a slow pace will stifle the zesty Knight of Wands and make him feel bored and restless. He abhors rest and relaxation – his worst nightmare is just lying on a beach somewhere sipping pina coladas.

He needs to be constantly challenged and to always have an outlet for the strong current of energy running through him.

His Dark Side…

The Knight of Wands is a powerful force in the world and when that power is directed at something useful, it’s all good, but when there is nothing for this Knight to direct his energy into, trouble begins to brew…

He can become impatient and restless, constantly seeking out adventure and challenge and if he doesn’t find it, he might start picking fights with those around him. He may become an agent of chaos, a loose cannon, a bull in a china shop, oblivious that the power he wields can be so destructive.

He needs to release his flaming energy somehow and if an appropriate channel isn’t available he could become violent, angry and dangerous.

Practices to Embody the Knight of Wands…

– take a trip somewhere adventurous and exotic

– go on a quest! Find a mystery to solve

– plan an action packed day of exploring new, unfamiliar things

– Go on a road trip somewhere new

– Explore a park, museum or cafe you’ve never been to

Journalling Questions:

♥ How/where can you benefit from this Knight’s zest for life and new experiences?

♥ In what areas of your life are you craving more adventure?

♥ How can you better direct your energy right now?

♥ What inspires, motivates and excites you?

Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this deep dive? What aspect of the Knight of Wands do you most relate to? Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next time as I dive into the Page of Pentacles nerdy, young and thirsty for knowledge, he’s learning how to survive and thrive in the big, bad world. Hop on my mailing list so you won’t miss out!

***Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

You may also enjoy…

Court Card Tarot Meanings
Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series (Major Arcana)

Knight of Wands – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More »

Knight of Swords – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

***Pssst! I made something for you ? Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

Welcome to part 6 of my 16 part series Meet the Court Cards – each week we will hang out with ONE court card and dive deeply into the symbols, personality traits, talents and dark side. This is similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Dive series, but we’ll also explore how each court card acts in the context of love, work and money.

I’ll give you specific ways to embody this card as well as some journalling questions to help you connect with this card on a more personal level ?

Today we’re diving into the Knight of Swords– the most intense and driven of all the Knights, this guy is all balls-to-the-wall and then some!

Sit back, relax and discover the dirty secrets, beautiful wisdom and unique talents of this Knight

Element = Air (mind, intellect, thoughts, beliefs, communication)

Keywords/Personality traits:

Focused, driven, intense, one track mind, determined, charging forward, highly motivated


Windy – going into wind, not afraid of a challenge

Fast movement – speed, determination

Butterflys & birds – taking flight, birds eye view

Sword – cuts through things, pointy and focused

Clouds – confusion, distraction (which he cuts through)

Red cape – passion and intensity

Red plume (looks like wings) – taking flight, flying through the air

Body language (arm raised/mouth open) – battle cry! Ready to fight!


The Knight of Swords can focus like no other! He tunes out distraction and can get things done with speed and efficiency. Once he puts his mind to it, there’s no stopping him!

He has impressive energy and intensity about him and he isn’t afraid of a fight – in fact, he thrives in a brutal environment and is more likely to go after something if it feels hard-core.

At a party…

You’ll find the Knight of Swords in the back, snorting lines of coke, slamming shots of Fireball and calling up escorts. He has a real work hard, play hard mentality and he’s always looking to blow off steam and balance out all the hard work that fills most of his days.

He brings a certain brand of intensity to a party, so you might think twice before inviting him. Once he’s all coked up he likes to pick fights and aggressively hit on the youngest and hottest guests. He’s known for doing things like cannon balling into a pool when the cover was on, throwing a party guest through a plate glass window and projectile vomiting all over his host’s brand new white leather sofa.

In love…

The Knight of Swords loves the thrill of the chase! He gets so caught up in the pursuit but quickly loses interest once he’s captured someone’s heart. He can seem very impressive at first because initially he is very hyper-focused on his love interest, making them feel so very, very special, but then he shifts that hyper focus onto his work and ignores his partner.

He can be passionate and intense for bursts and then disappear without warning, often becoming absent, distracted and obsessed with work. Since he tends to see relationships as a distraction, he’s more into hook ups, brief flings and sex workers than a serious relationship.

In work…

This is where this Knight excels, even if all other areas of his life are falling apart. He can be a real workaholic, channelling all his grief, rage and frustration into his work and getting a rush off being hyper focused and driven. He derives his sense of self from his job so if he loses it, he can spiral into a full blown identity crises.

He does well in finance, as a Wall Street guy or a daytrader but would also do well in any job that allows him to talk non-stop since he loves the sound of his own voice. Being a podcaster or stand up comedian, celebrity, or even a writer who churns out book after book would all be suitable professions for this intense Knight.

In money….

The Knight of Swords makes money quickly and knows how to spend it just as fast! Impulsivity and risk taking are this Knight’s forte, so he doesn’t shy away from risky and high stakes investments. And when he spends money, he does it intensely and goes all in.

He’s not really materialistic, but he’s always looking for a rush so while he might blow tons of money on a fancy car it isn’t really about the car, or even the illusion of status, it’s about the momentary thrill of making the purchase.

This Knight thrives on…

Having a goal, project, challenge or problem to solve! He needs something to focus his attention on – without this he self destructs. He’s like a rambunctious little kid with tons of energy who needs an activity or he’ll start causing problems and destroying things.

One of his favourite things is….WAR! Wartime is where the Knight of Swords really shines as he’s a true warrior, through and through – the high stress, constant drama and black and white thinking so prevalent in wartime really bring out his best instincts, allowing him to do what he’s been always longing to do – fight!

He’s also a good candidate for big city life as he loves all the hustle and bustle and crowds of people. His gifts blossom in a high stress, fast paced environment – as long as there’s lots of work and things to do, he’ll be alright.

He can’t stand…

Having nothing to do, tasks that aren’t challenging enough and being stuck in one place. This dude has energy to burn and places to go – so don’t try to tie him down!

The small town life doesn’t suit him and he’ll shatter under the quiet weight of those quaint country vibes. He also flounders in a peaceful, laid back environment – it makes him antsy and uncomfortable. While he doesn’t create drama or conflict (like the Page of Swords), he most certainly looks for it.

His main challenge is to make sure the things he’s focused on and going after are actually important and that he isn’t falling into the trap of chasing busy-ness and action and thrills.

Dark side of the Knight of Swords

This Knight can be impulsive and thirsty for action, seeking out drama and looking for a good fight.

While he’s gifted with the ability to really hone in on his goal, all that intense focus isn’t sustainable and he tends to burn out eventually.

All his efforts can be for nothing (or even destructive) if he isn’t clear on his why. If his actions aren’t connected to a deeper mission or meaning in his life, he can succumb to just keeping busy.

Practices to embody this card:

– Set a goal and focus on one thing at a time and block out all distractions

– Drink lots of coffee 😉

– Practice “batch days” – focusing on ONE thing for the whole day to maximize productivity (like cooking all your meals for the week on a Sunday and freezing some of them or writing three blog posts in one day)

Journalling Questions:

♥ Where in your life can you benefit from these traits?

♥ Where would you like to be less like this knight?

♥ How can you bring in more balance and avoid burnout?

♥ What helps you focus and avoid distractions?

Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this deep dive? What aspect of the Knight of Swords do you most relate to? Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next time as I dive into the Knight of Cups the most romantic, poetry-loving sap you’ve ever met! Hop on my mailing list so you won’t miss out!

***Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

You may also enjoy…

Court Card Tarot Meanings
Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series (Major Arcana)

Knight of Swords – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More »

Queen of Wands – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

***Pssst! I made something for you 🙂 Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

Welcome to part 4 of my 16 part series Meet the Court Cards – each week we will hang out with ONE court card and dive deeply into the symbols, personality traits, talents and dark side. This is similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Dive series, but we’ll also explore how each court card acts in the context of love, work and money.

I’ll give you specific ways to embody this card as well as some journalling questions to help you connect with this card on a more personal level 🙂

Today we’re diving into the Queen of Wands – fiery and passionate, she’s a creative dynamo and outside-the-box thinker who lives her life on her own terms.

Sit back, relax and discover the secrets, surprises and shocking truths of this Queen…

Element: fire!

Keywords/personality traits:

Energetic, lively, spiritual spark, creative, action oriented, passionate, intense, inspired, outside the box thinker, eccentric, entrepreneurial spirit, visionary, doesn’t care what others think, independent, bold and brave, adventurous.


Lions = powerful, regal, majestic

Cat = graceful, elegant, mysterious

Sunflowers = shine, extroverted, flowering/in bloom – respond the the Sun (attention)

Wand/staff = ability to direct energy and will

Yellow = 3rd chakra (willpower)

Orange = 2nd chakra (creativity)

pyramids = ancient power, mystery, energy directing and alignment with the stars

Leaves (on wand and crown) = new growth, aliveness


The Queen of Wands knows how to tap into her creativity and passions, put it into action and really make things happen! She is a true visionary who is highly creative and knows how to grab people’s attention and hold it – the trait of a real entertainer.

She loves to explore the unusual side of things and come up with creative solutions to tricky dilemmas. While she is very spiritually connected and holds all kinds of mystical qualities, she would never describe herself as “spiritual”.

At a party…

She’s the life of the party! In fact, without the Queen of Wands, it isn’t a party at all but a gathering. You will often find her at the centre of a large group as she is highly entertaining and a master storyteller with an electric sense of humour!

She knows how to draw people in and have them hanging on her every word. She’s especially talented at hosting parties as she keeps the drinks flowing, the music blaring and the energy high. No one throws a party like the Queen of Wands!

In love…

this is the area where she doesn’t exactly excel. She gets bored easily and so she ends up having many short lived relationships. Because she seeks passion, excitement and fire in her romantic connections, she loses interest as soon as that initial spark begins to fade.

She’s more into passionate affairs and flings with unavailable partners than serious, long term commitments. But if she does settle down, it will be with someone who is conventional and boring, who will let her shine and be the star. She doesn’t want anyone stealing her spotlight. Her relationship will rarely be her focus because her career and artistic journey come first, adding yet another layer of challenge to her romantic life. Plus, she hates the idea of being trapped by the institution of marriage.

The good news is, she gains a ton of inspiration and energy from her brief yet passionate affairs – while others may get distracted by a tumultuous love life, this Queen feeds on it and let’s if fuel her creative fire!

In money…

She’s great at making lots of money but is equally good at spending it, often on silly stuff like overpriced “spiritual” retreats, expensive crystals and pricey shoes and makeup. She is, after all, the most fashion forward of all the Queens!

But despite her reckless spending, she always bounces back. She never hoards money and often completely forgets to save it, mainly because making it is just so darn easy for her. She has absolutely no blocks to making money and is great at negotiating contracts and demanding what she’s worth. She isn’t really materialistic though – making money feels fun and exciting to her, but spending money feels as mundane as sneezing!

In work…

She’s a natural problem solver, creative thinker and entertainer so any profession where she can be creative and expressive is best. However, she often gravitates to the unconventional professions and her independent streak makes her the perfect entrepreneur. She usually has her own business or does freelance, not wanting to be tied down or beholden to anyone in any way.

This Queen makes a wonderful actress, artist, or performer of any kind. She is a great event planner – creating amazing festivals, concerts and retreats. She’s the kind of gal who gets wild, out-there ideas that other people may raise an eyebrow at, but they actually end up working most of the time.

She’s a hippy dippy artist/mystic who has her shit together and knows how to make things happen in a BIG way. You won’t find her thriving in a “safe”, conventional job as she longs to get out there and do daring new things – busting stereotypes and expectations!

This Queen thrives on…

Being onstage, in front of an audience and being challenged both creatively and spiritually. She loves environments full of open minded people with few rules and regulations and feels very much at home at festivals, parties and events.

She can’t stand…

Rules, regulations, institutions and “the man”. She can’t stand being labelled or put in a box or feeling over-committed or burdened in any way. Feeling stagnant, stuck or uninspired are her worst fears. Group think and herd mentality disgust her.

She does not enjoy care-giving and motherhood just simply isn’t her thing. She’ll often forego motherhood altogether or leave most of the child raising to others like nannies and other family members.

Dark Side of the Queen of Wands

She can be a bit of an attention whore and needs a high level of excitement in order to feel inspired and energetic. She has a tendency to be narcissistic and self centred, with a penchant for getting high on her own supply!

Sometimes she tries really hard to get reactions out of people, being controversial just for the sake of stirring the pot since she thrives on attention. The worst part is, she might discard someone like they’re yesterdays trash if they fail to worship her adequately and lavish her with enough adulation.

Practices to embody this card:

-perform in front of an audience (bonus if it’s something unconventional and a bit out-there)
-paint a mural on your bedroom wall
-throw a themed costume party!
-go clothes shopping at the thrift store
-write a zany stage play and cast your friends as the main characters

Journalling Questions:

♥ What part of her to do you relate to?

♥ Who do you know like this?

♥ Which of her qualities would you like to cultivate in your own life?

♥ Which of her traits do you want to minimize? Or watch out for?

Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this deep dive? What aspect of the Queen of Wands do you most relate to?  Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next time as I dive into the Knight of Pentacles – he’s very different from all the other Knights in the Tarot…can you guess why? Hop on my mailing list so you won’t miss out!

***Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

You may also enjoy…

Court Card Tarot Meanings
Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series (Major Arcana)

Queen of Wands – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More »

Queen of Cups – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

***Pssst! I made something for you 🙂 Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

Welcome to part 3 of my 16 part series Meet the Court Cards – each week we will hang out with ONE court card and dive deeply into the symbols, personality traits, talents and dark side. This is similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Dive series, but we’ll also explore how each court card acts in the context of love, work and money.

I’ll give you specific ways to embody this card as well as some journalling questions to help you connect with this card on a more personal level 🙂

Today we’re diving into the Queen of Cups – intuitive, empathetic and deeply compassionate, would you ever guess this Queen has a dark side that rivals all other courts?

Sit back, relax and discover the secrets, surprises and shocking truths of this Queen…

Element – Water (emotion, feeling, relationships)


Emotional intelligence, healing, creativity, depth, intuitive, empathetic, compassionate, sensitive, in touch with emotions, holding a space, heart-centred, calm, receptive.


Water = emotional realm

Fish and mermaids = creatures who can dive deep below the surface and survive in the watery realms

Shell clasp and shell on back of throne = she can penetrate the hard protective shell and get to the gooey, vulnerable centre

Throne = she’s a Queen, meaning she’s attained a certain level of experience and mastery in the realm of feeling/emotion/intuition

weird cup = holding a space


The Queen of Cups knows how to work with the emotions – how to process them, tap into their power and use them to heal. She’s fluent in the language of emotions and feelings, is a good listener and can help others tap into their emotions and intuition – holding a space for them by simply being present.  She always honours her feelings and intuition and emanates calmness wherever she goes.

At a party…

You’ll find her sitting in a corner, consoling someone who just broke up with their boyfriend. She’s more of a listener than a talker and her calm demeanour often draws in people who need to unload their emotional baggage. Complete strangers love opening up to her and telling her all about their problems! Secretly, she loves this as she’s not a fan of small talk. The deeper the conversation goes, the better.

In love…

She loves romance and having a deep emotional connection with someone special is very important to her. The sharing of feelings is a top priority for her but ironically she tends to attract partners who are cut off from their emotions and struggle with sharing openly. She loves the challenge of penetrating their defensive outer shell to get to their ooey gooey, vulnerable centre.

A lot of healing takes place in her relationships and for her, sex is a healing act where emotional connection is a must. However, she often finds herself stuck in the role of healer or always being the one who is emotionally proficient while her partners struggle with emotional disconnect.

In work…

Whatever profession the Queen of Cups chooses, she needs to feel a certain sense of creative freedom and to feel like she’s diving deep into something and not just scratching the surface.

She makes a great counsellor or therapist, mediator, healer, intuitive reader or teacher. Any job where she is helping people get in touch with their emotional side – like an acting coach or drama teacher – is well suited for her.

In money….

Since the Queen of Cups isn’t very materialistic and isn’t that interested in money, she tends to need a bit of help and guidance in this area. Her business senses aren’t great and her finances can be a bit of a mess unless she gets the assistance of someone whose more proficient in this area, like the Queen of Pentacles.

If she has the right kind of support and guidance, she actually has a very strong ability to manifest money out of thin air, especially if her emotions are aligned with her actions and intentions.

This Queen thrives on…

Going into tumultuous and emotionally messy situations and creating calmness and healing. She gets bored if everything is perfect and calm and needs a bit of drama in order to feel useful.

She also loves being around people who want to dive beneath the surface of things and explore the depths of their experiences. Deep conversations that lead to emotional healing are totally her thing.

She can’t stand…

Constant busy-ness and hectic activity! She appreciates having the time and space to get in touch with her feelings and doesn’t want to feel crowded or rushed.

Tasks that are repetitive and dull tend to sap her energy, as do shallow, materialistic people who just want to engage in small talk all day long.

She hates having to think about money or spending too much time tending to physical needs like cooking, vacuuming and getting her car fixed. If too much of her day consists of stuff like that, she gets snippy snappy.

Dark side of the Queen of Cups

Oh boy! This Queen, if denied all the things she needs to thrive and/or is pushed to extremes, she has a tendency to be emotionally manipulative.

She may get addicted to others emotional displays because when others lose control emotionally, she feels more powerful and in control. This can lead her to “stir the pot” and try to whip others up into an emotional frenzy. Her emotional expertise means she knows how to push people’s buttons and so her healing gifts can be used as weapons if she isn’t careful. She may not always be aware she’s doing this.

On the darker end of her dark side, she may even view other’s willingness to open up to her as a source of power, collecting secrets like trophies and using her position of trust in a destructive and abusive way.

Practices to embody this card:

feel your feelings, let them flow, don’t attach, resist attaching a story to a feeling

express yourself emotionally through journalling, writing a poem, acting, singing, etc

share how you feel with someone

– practice active listening

-try listening more than you talk next time your with a friend (hold a space)

Journalling Questions:

♥ What part of her to do you relate to?

♥ Who do you know like this?

♥ Which of her qualities would you like to cultivate in your own life?

♥ Which of her traits do you want to minimize? Or watch out for?

Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this deep dive? What aspect of the Queen of Cups do you most relate to?  Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next time as I dive into the Queen of Wands – she’s fiery, passionate and wild! The most creative and “out there” of all the Queens, she adores the spotlight and knows how to create a stir! Hop on my mailing list so you won’t miss out!

***Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

You may also enjoy…

Court Card Tarot Meanings
Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series (Major Arcana)


Queen of Cups – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More »

Queen of Swords – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

Welcome to part 2 of my 16 part series Meet the Court Cards – each week we will hang out with ONE court card and dive deeply into the symbols, personality traits, talents and dark side. This will be similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Dive series, but we’ll also explore how each court card acts in the context of love, work and money.

I’ll give you specific ways to embody this card as well as some journalling questions to help you connect with this card on a more personal level 🙂

Today we’re diving into the Queen of Swords – she’s chilly, she’s whip-smart and let’s be honest, she’s a total bitch! And this is why she’s my favourite.

Sit back, relax and discover who this Queen really is…

Element: Air (thoughts, intellect, focus, communication)

Keywords/personality traits:

Intellectual, smart and witty, very observant, well read and  knowledgeable, a clear and direct communicator, brings clarity to a situation, focused, truth seeker, honest, organized, intentional and focused.


straight sword = straight laced, straight shooter, straightforward

sword = cuts through confusion and distractions to get to the heart of things / pointy = focus

butterflies (on crown and throne) = transformation

angel face (on throne) = purity and innocence

outstretched hand = perceptiveness (taking the temperature of the day, feeling what direction the wind blows)

blue sky & clouds = head above the clouds, clarity

Special Talents…

The Queen of Swords has a way with words (both spoken and written) and this is the medium through which she captivates and enchants her audience. She is a wonderful speaker and an eloquent writer whose words cut to the heart of the matter, transmitting a searing truth that sheds light on all the dark places.

Whether she is an investigative journalist hellbent on exposing the truth or a teacher dedicated to helping her students understand complex concepts, she brings the illuminating light of truth to whatever she focuses on.

She has a desire to dig into things, like a cat who hears a mouse in some far off corner of the house. She is tireless when it comes to doing research and her incredible organizational skills will leave most people in the dust.

At a Party…

You’ll spot her over in the corner, all alone and looking bored while she nosily eyes up the host’s bookshelf. It’s packed with Danielle Steele and Tom Clancy novels – she’s not impressed.

You may not connect with her right away as she can come across as a cold and distant weirdo who lacks a decent sense of humour…at first. She won’t laugh at your fart jokes and your intimate knowledge of Love Island (seasons 1 – 8) doesn’t impress her. But get to know her and you’ll find she is deep, bizarrely observant and a true treasure trove of nichey knowledge.

She’s up on all the trends but appears un-hip because she just doesn’t give a fuck, which actually makes her truly cool. She’s well read, has a ton of interesting opinions and just may be the perfect person to critique that smutty werewolf novella you just finished writing.

In love…

The Queen of Swords’ heart (and other parts) won’t throb until a prospective lover has proven their superior conversation skills. Being locked in a tense and breathless intellectual discussion is what gets this Queen all fired up! An intellectual bond must happen before any kind of romantic or sexual bond is even considered.

When this Queen is in love all she wants to do is talk, talk, talk! Erotic literature is her porn of preference, although she would never call it porn. She hates that word. So if you want in her bed, you must first get in her head!

In work…

The Queen of Swords is focused, determined and a bit of a perfectionist. She’s often a typical Virgo, sometimes paying a bit too much attention to detail!

She’s the kind of person you both love and hate to work with because she’s hard working and brilliant but is kind of a bitch and makes everyone look lazy. She often doesn’t have much of a life outside of work and she can be quite critical of others, although never as critical as she is with herself.

You’re most likely to find this Queen working as a lawyer, writer, speaker, teacher, researcher, data analyst, or a film or book critic.

In money…

While you’d expect the Queen of Swords to be rich, she really isn’t. Not because she’s incapable of making lots of money but because that isn’t where her deepest interests lay.

If you gave her $100 million dollars she’d still drive the same crappy car, wear the same frumpy clothes and eat out at the same hole-in-the-wall restaurants. The biggest change would be that she’d start buying hardcover books instead of using the library.

In order to thrive, the Queen of Swords needs…

A good book! If she doesn’t have a good book on the go, she just feels out of sorts. She needs to feel intellectually stimulated and for people to think she’s smart and capable. She likes to pretend she doesn’t care what others think, which is mostly true, just as long as they think she’s smart.

The Queen of Swords thrives when she’s able to organize, prioritize and make sense of things. And most important of all, she needs to be able to speak her truth at all times. If she feels she cannot do this, she will either begin to crumble or feel an explosive energy begin to build within her.

She can’t stand…

Dishonesty, superficiality, messiness & disorganization and above all else….idiots!

Dark side of the Queen of Swords

She can come across as cold, critical and overly intellectual. At her worst, she appears to lack emotion, creativity and spiritual connection, although what you see is not necessarily what you get with this Queen. Just because she seems emotionally cold, doesn’t mean there isn’t a fire of emotions burning beneath her cool, calm exterior.

This Queen can sometimes be too blunt and direct (she’s just speaking her truth!) and while she overflows with intelligence galore, social intelligence is the one thing she often lacks, making her the most socially awkward of all the court cards.

And let’s be honest – while there’s plenty to like about the Queen of Swords, she’s kind of a bitch and often comes across as being a bit too straight and uptight. She could really benefit from smoking a joint in the bath while reading some trashy romance novel, but you know she never will.

Embody this Queen:

-Write a letter, speech or lecture

-Make a to-do list

-Get into a good book

-Join a debate club, book club or philosophy group

-Practice speaking your truth

-Critique something (like a book, movie or play)

Journalling questions:

♥ What part of the Queen of Swords do you relate to?

♥ Who do you know like her?

♥ Which of her qualities would you like to cultivate in your own life?

♥ Which of her traits do you want to minimize? Or watch out for?

Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this deep dive? What aspect of the Queen of Swords do you most relate to?  Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next week as I dive into the Queen of Cups – compassionate and kind, she’s also a good listener with a psychic streak  – she’s basically the perfect therapist or best friend! Hop on my mailing list so you don’t miss it!

You may also enjoy…

Queen of Pentacles Deep Dive
Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series (Major Arcana)

Queen of Swords – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More »

Queen of Pentacles – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

Welcome to part 1 of my 16 part series Meet the Court Cards – each week we will hang out with ONE court card and dive deeply into the symbols, personality traits, talents and dark side. This will be similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Dive series, but we’ll also explore how each court card acts in the context of love, work and money.

I’ll give you specific ways to embody this card as well as some journalling questions to help you connect with this card on a more personal level 🙂

Today we’re diving into the Queen of Pentacles –the most down-to-Earth and grounded of all the Queens!

Sit back, relax and discover who this Queen really is…

Element: Earth (physical and material stuff, home, body, money, health, sex, food)

Keywords/personality traits:

grounded, practical, down to earth, nurturing, organized, sensual and connected to her own body, patient, stable and consistent, a home body, what you see is what you get, does things in moderation, very connected to the plant and animal kingdoms.


pentacle = money/material realm/the body- 5 pointed star looks like a person

throne = her mature, powerful status (takes ownership of her domain)

plants = the earth, nurturing, plant kingdom

bunny = animal kingdom

red dress = blood/life giving bodily fluid/root chakra

Special Talents…

The Queen of Pentacles knows how to nurture and nourish herself and others in a physical way. She’s a good cook and is gifted in the healing realms.

She knows how to connect to her body and fully experience the sensual side of life through eating, sex, and movement. This lady looooves being in a physical body!

She also knows how to build a strong foundation, is organized and excels at keeping things running smoothly (like finances, schedules, her physical body).

At a Party…

While not the most exciting character, this Queen is always the most reliable. She shows up right on time and will stay late to help with cleanup. She knows how to enjoy good food and wine but never goes overboard so you won’t catch her getting drunk or behaving erratically.

She always brings a calm, grounded presence to any social gathering. You can always count on the Queen of Pentacles NOT to start a fist fight or get into a loud argument! She has a great sense of humour, particularly when it comes to crude jokes about sex or bodily functions. While the other Queens might not laugh at diarrhea jokes, the Queen of Pentacles certainly will!

In love…

Practical and grounded, the Queen of Pentacles looks for a partner that mirrors her stable qualities. Commitment and future plans are what gets her hot and bothered, rather than grand romantic gestures. So don’t bother with dumb cliches like a dozen red roses or sappy poetry – she won’t be impressed.

She knows the initial thrills of a relationship will fade with time, so she doesn’t get too caught up in it. She’s going for the slow burn. She’s not interested in drama or playing hard to get but instead will make her partner feel special with home cooked meals and sensual massages. Her affection is always expressed in a physical way, through hugs, back rubs and cuddles.

In work…

The Queen of Pentacles is happiest doing or creating something physical or doing anything that involves planning and organization. She is disciplined, hard working, reliable and organized – exactly the kind of person you want to work with!

This Queen is best suited to jobs like fitness instructor, physiotherapist, massage therapist, nutritionist, financial advisor, personal organizer, cook, potter or teacher.

In money…

While she’s gifted at managing money, you won’t catch the Queen of Pentacles casually playing the stock market or making any high risk investments. While she loves to indulge a little here and there, she isn’t a splashy spender and believes in doing everything in moderation.

She knows how to live within her means and maintain a comfortable financial in-flow and out-flow balance. Yes, she’s good at making money, but even better at managing it and balancing the books.

In order to thrive, the Queen of Pentacles needs…

Structure and planning! Life needs to feel purposeful and connected to the here and now, otherwise she will feel lost.

Her physical needs of three nutritious meals a day, daily exercise and frequent hugs must be met in order for her to be at her best.

She is happiest in beautiful and comfy physical surroundings – her home and office will be filled with plants, beautiful pictures, comfy throw pillows and always smell lovely. Whatever space she occupies will feel warm and inviting.

She can’t stand…

Unpredictability and change. While she can always adapt, the experience of change is un-grounding.

She dislikes flaky people and gets frustrated by erratic and impulsive behavior in others.

Environments that lack beauty and comfort (gov’t buildings for example) disgust her, and you won’t catch her eating mediocre food in a sub-par restaurant that has big screen TVs blaring everywhere. Yuck!

Dark side of the Queen of Pentacles

The worst part about this Queen is that she can be a bit too practical and boring. If she allows herself to get overly concerned with the material side of life, she loses the ability to dream and imagine, often ignoring the spiritual and emotional side of things.

Embody this Queen:

– Make a to do list!
– Exercise – dance, walk, lift weights – move your body!
– Cook a delicious and healthy meal
– Make a schedule or plan (meal plan, finance plan or fitness program)
– Give someone (or yourself) a massage
– Do some gardening! Put your hands in the dirt
– Spend the day cleaning and organizing your home (I like to jack into some terrifying true crime podcast and then fire up the vacuum!)

Journalling questions:

♥ How are YOU like the Queen of Pentacles?

♥ Do you know anyone who is like this Queen? How well do you get along with them?

♥ Which of her traits could you benefit from? Where in your life do you want to be more like this Queen?

♥ Which of her challenges or dark side can you relate to? Where in your life would you like to be less like this Queen?

Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this deep dive? What aspect of the Queen of Pentacles do you most relate to?  Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next week as I dive into the Queen of Swords – witty, bitchy and wide awake, this Queen doesn’t miss a trick and she doesn’t suffer fools gladly! Hop on my mailing list so you don’t miss it!

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