Page of Swords – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

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Welcome to part 10 of my 16 part series Meet the Court Cards – each week we will hang out with ONE court card and dive deeply into the symbols, personality traits, talents and dark side. This is similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Dive series, but we’ll also explore how each court card acts in the context of love, work and money.

I’ll give you specific ways to embody this card as well as some journalling questions to help you connect with this card on a more personal level.

Today we’re diving into the Page of Swords– the most turbulent and troubled young court card!

Sit back, relax and discover the hidden meanings, messages and symbols of this Page


Element = Air (mind/intellect/communication)

Keywords/Personality traits:

Unstable, flighty, struggling, high mental energy, low attention span, hyperactive mind, hasn’t mastered anything yet, melancholy, low self confidence, insecure.



unstable ground = trying to find his footing in a constantly shifting world

clouds = mental confusion, gloomy outlook

wind = changing environment, instability

foot placement = unsure of himself

posture (looking over shoulder) = distracted, mistrust, doubting self



Even though he’s a bit of a mini-disaster, the Page of Swords has a witty streak and can be quite funny, making you laugh unexpectedly with his dark humour.

He’s intelligent and has tons of ideas even if he hasn’t a clue as to how to direct his mental energy (yet!). His unpredictable nature keeps everyone guessing – what will he do next?! they all wonder.

One thing to note about this Page is that he’s got LOTS of problems – most of them self created. But it’s through navigating these problems and dilemmas that he learns about himself and grows. As he gets older, he creates less drama for himself, but his teen years are rough.


At a party…

You’ll probably find him binge drinking because his girlfriend just dumped him and he’s upset. Always in some sort of crisis, the Page of Swords really brings the drama!

If he’s not doing that, he’s making others laugh with his gallows humour and searing witt!


In work…

He waffles between being unemployed and having short lived jobs, as he has a hard time focusing and gets distracted easily. Truthfully, the Page of Swords is a nightmare employee and he’s the most likely Page to display mental instability and drug issues.

You might find him doing drugs in the lunchroom or stealing stuff. He’ll freak out if faced with even a tiny bit of criticism and he simply won’t take direction of any kind.


In love…

The Page of Sword’s relationships are always a disaster, characterized by instability and insecurity. He may engage in short flings or volatile on and off again relationships with equally unstable people, but occasionally he’ll attract a martyr type who longs to “fix” him and he’ll mistreat them accordingly.

If he does manage to find a good match, his many insecurities will quickly erode the relationship as he tends to devolve into possessive, controlling and paranoid behaviour.


In money….

Well, he’s not so hot in this area either! He’s pretty bad with money as he spends recklessly and never seems to have any. He might spend his cash on stupid stuff to boost his ego and give him a sense of self.

Remember! As this Page matures, he gets most things figured out, but in his youth he really struggles.


This Page thrives on…

A stable environment, rules, structure and a reliable schedule. With the right support, mentorship and guidance he can mitigate his troublesome traits and become a more stable, happy version of himself.

The Page of Swords does best with mentors who are assertive, have strong boundaries and are not too permissive (think King and Queen of Swords). Otherwise, he’ll just walk all over them.

Planning ahead, having a strategy and some guidelines will do wonders for him, but he needs help doing this, as he’s not self-motivated in this area and will quickly become overwhelmed.


He can’t stand…

Being saddled with too many responsibilities! He will quickly become unhinged and stressed out. He needs to do one task at a time and learn to focus his mind.

His particular dislikes tend to fluctuate with his phases and whims, meaning that one moment he may despise something and next day feel totally different. However, he’s guaranteed to be bothered by anything that makes him feel more insecure than he already does.


Dark side of the Page of Swords

He’s often overcome with melancholy, anxiety, depression and an overactive, stressed out mind. He lacks self confidence and this can cause him to say jerky things to people and come across as a bit mean.

This Page can be dishonest and unethical, often trying to be someone he’s not. BUT – he’s not a bad person at his core, he’s just figuring stuff out. He’s confused about who his is but as he learns about himself and makes tons of mistakes along the way, he eventually grows into a better version of himself.


Practices to embody this card:

-find habits, routines, mentors and other support structures that will help create stability in your life.

-nurture your mental health and mental stability


What does it MEAN?

When the Page of Swords shows up in a reading, it can show that you’re feeling kind of unstable or unsure of yourself. It can be an invitation to create more stability in your life, support your mental health and focus on getting to know yourself better and developing more confidence and self trust.

This Page can also indicate a need to improve your communication skills and mental focus in order to thrive.


Journalling Questions:

♥ Do you know anyone like this Page?

♥ What aspects of this Page do you relate to?

♥ How can you nurture your mental stability and mental focus? What routines, habits and support systems help you with this?


Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this deep dive? What aspect of the Page of Swords do you most relate to? Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next time as I dive into the Page of Cups the free wheeling, artsy fartsy dreamer with a penchant for over-the-top romances. I can’t wait! Hop on my mailing list so you won’t miss out!

***Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

You may also enjoy…

Court Card Tarot Meanings
Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series (Major Arcana)

2 thoughts on “Page of Swords – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive”

  1. While I found your descriptions of the Majors to be both interesting and engaging, I am finding your presentation of the Court cards to be revelations. Your descriptions have absolutely nailed five of my significant relationships.

    The literature around Tarot has drawn parallels between the four suits and the four elementals of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. There are associations between various cards and the astrological entities. I wonder if there is an association between the sixteen MTBI personality types and the sixteen Court cards.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to present both the Majors and the Court cards. I wish there was a way to say thank you, financially. Buy-me-a-coffee or something like that.

    1. Paul! I’m so glad you’re finding the court card series to be revelatory! So far, these videos have been a blast to create 🙂 I forget what all the MTBI personality types are, but I’m sure there are some strong parallels to the court cards, although I haven’t really looked into that.
      You mentioned wanting to say thank you financially – there’s no need to, but if you want to buy something from my shop, feel free!
      Thanks for watching 🙂

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