Tarot Reading for June 3 – 9

It’s June already! As we enter the final weeks of Spring, I decided to choose a deck that has been calling to me for a while – the Tarot of the Abyss! So sit back, relax and let’s see what the cards have to say about your week ahead and how you can get a leg up on things…

Have a good week 🙂

4 thoughts on “Tarot Reading for June 3 – 9”

  1. Hi Kate

    Many thanks for another great reading, which resonated with me a great deal (I love the artwork of the Tarot of the Abyss, by the way, a deck which I bought last year, having seen it for the first time, during one of your personal readings🙂. Going back to your reading for this week, Strength, really spoke to me, having lost my dear cat Pitstop last Friday (a lot smaller than the lion in the image, of course!). Strange thing maybe to say but I did feel a spiritual connection with her and felt that our home here in France (a former farmhouse) was her spiritual home. So, I’m going to have to rely on my inner strength this week to come to terms with her passing (not entirely unexpected as she was quite elderly but I had hoped that she might be around for another year or so). Her decline was sudden and quite rapid over a three day period and, thankfully, a vet came to our house on her final day to put her to rest. So, I feel that ‘the lady and the lion’ are looking directly at me, encouraging me to stay strong and remember the close bond that we shared, to stay balanced and realistic, to face the truth that neither humans or animals can live forever (Justice) and also to be practical, sensible and calm on the day to day physical realm, as per the Queen of Pentacles (being a sun-sign Virgo, I can relate well to this Court Card). I have already started the practical process today, 3rd June, of washing covers and blankets, tidying away toys and other bits and pieces, sad though it is to lose such a dear little friend. Interestingly, we did think about burying her in the surrounding land but have instead decided upon cremation and so have ordered a little urn for her ashes, which we’ll scatter on the earth in her favourite spots. I also feel that the pentacle, in the hands of the earthy Queen of Pentacles, symbolises (for me), the life of Pitstop and the special ‘gift’ that she was to me… the Ace of Pentacles also came to mind… representing a new beginning after the sad ending of something precious and valuable. As for the Star, in this lovely depiction, I can see myself gazing skywards towards the Universe, the bright star representing Pitstop now in the spiritual realm, wishing that she was still with me but hoping that she is happy and well, at peace in a beautiful space. I hope that this makes sense!

    Joyce x

    1. Joyce, I’m so sorry to hear you’ve lost Pitstop! I remember you telling me all about your cat Pitstop years ago and how special she was to you ♥ What a gift that you were able to share so much time with her – she sounded like such a sweet cat! Cats have such a special place in my heart and the cat-human bond we have with our pets is so special ♥ Hugs to you, Joyce, as you grieve your kitty. Glad the reading resonated.

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