Tarot Reading for Sept 2 – 8

Let’s consult the Tarot and see what energies, opportunities and possibilities await you this week! For this week’s reading I’m using the Genius Garden Tarot

Have a good week 🙂

3 thoughts on “Tarot Reading for Sept 2 – 8”

  1. It is interesting how the bands of light cross all three cards. Not sure if that is in the cards or from a window, but it really ties all three together. Great reading! And, as I am seeing this mid-week, and know the plans for the coming weekend, it all makes a lot of sense. I also got the 3 of cups in a reading that was done for me last weekend, so very positive vibes. Thank you.

  2. I love and celebrate both the new moon and the full moon! Tomorrow is the new moon…time to rebalance and begin new projects! Enjoyed this deck, too. Thank you, Kate

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