You are stepping into this week with full intuitive powers! Your openness to receiving higher guidance will have a delicious effect on things today and for the next several days, as your inner High Priestess has grown and become strong.
Now is a time to use your wisdom and discernment in a subtle, yet powerful way. No one is going to try to push you around today…and if they do? Watch out! Your inner High Priestess is not as passive and gentle as she appears 😉
Guard your privacy today and don’t feel like you have to reveal everything to everyone. You can be open and clear in your dealings with others without giving away too much about yourself. Keep personal details to yourself – no one needs to know all that stuff! If you feel tempted to give a convoluted explanation to someone today – stop yourself and keep it simple.
Hi Kate,
Thanks for the direction on privacy. I wasn’t aware of this aspect of the High Priestess and this is helpful guidance to me at a time when I’m feeling very open and sensitive.
I’m glad this reading helped you, Elizabeth 🙂
Your reading really helps me see and understand a nice spectrum of facets of the HP. Thanks so much for making me a smarter, more compassionate reader . . . daily!
Here’s a week’s worth of love (((((((( heart ))))))))
Thank you, Jamie 🙂
Right back at you!
Your mention of cards we tend to pull regularly last week. I can’t help but notice you are pulling those cards that I often see over and over again. The High Priestess is in so many of my readings, I should just save two spots and pull one card for my nightly three card reading. I’ll assume the 3 of wands and The High Priestess, and pull one card to complete the reading. Just kidding, I’m too curious to do that. But, sometimes I wonder how these same cards can be pulled so often, when there are 78 to pick from; it can’t be chance. I will pay extra attention to your definition of the High Priestess today.
Thanks Kate,
I know what you mean, Heidi – I have wondered the same thing. you are right – it can’t be by chance!