Today’s oracle card is Sedna: Infinite Supply and her message is “you are supplied for today and all of your tomorrows.”
You live in an abundant universe that flows with an unending stream of energy, light and life. Don’t forget this! The more you remember, the easier it will be for you to create a life of ease and fun.
Sedna seems to be saying “relax, calm down, you are loved and taken care of.” You have been taught to believe otherwise, of course, but don’t buy into that whole “life is a struggle” mentality.
Find a way to contemplate the infinite abundance that exists here. The more you understand it, the easier it is to believe in it. I find that looking at the ocean or night sky can give me a better understanding of this concept 🙂
Lovely, Kate, and exactly both the image and the words I needed to carry into my day.
BTW, last night, I went to sit in the little park across the street from my house and ended up watching the bats do their evening hunt-and-gather, darting and squeaking between the trees overhead.
That sounds wonderful – I love watching creatures go about their day – particularly bats, although I don’t see them too often here.
Oh, and in celebration of the whole abundance concept, I just bought the Sakki-Sakki Tarot from the artist, with the book! I think we’re going to love this one!
Also, got the Vanessa. You have that, right? I think, seriously, I’m done, now. For a while. I think the Sakki-Sakki’s going to be a lot to digest.
If you’re very, very nice (or naughty, either one!), I will read for you from it–once I get it scoped out!
This one looks great! I would love a reading from it. I don’t have the Vanessa tarot – its still in my shopping cart. Let me know how you like it, though, I would be interested to know!
I’ve only used the Vanessa a tiny bit, but it’s definitely a keeper for me. What I’ve found is that it adds a nice extra bit of flavor to readings with other cards–so far. Has a surprisingly cool LWB, especially regarding Courts.
I’m doing a short piece on good decks for newbies for an ebook for Theresa (PT) Pridemore, and will definitely include the VT! (Plus, the deck makes me think of Veronica Noir.)
Oh wow – I absolutely have to get this deck now! I liked the vibe of it when I looked at the images online. Thanks for the info!
Looove Sedna and all of the water deities.
Of course 🙂
🙂 Me too, Kris!!!
A friend went to the ocean the weekend just. A cleansing was in order.
Kalunga is the spirit of the deep ocean in my trad, so we were working with that energy.
Thursday Sedna comes and says “what about me.” (She shows up in my life with regularity.)
Today here She is.
Thank you Kate.
Hi Antonio – curious, what is your tradition? I think I’ve heard Kalunga in West African cosmology … but I could be mistaken.
Palo Mayombe.